
Used for creating and updating return orders.

Tags: ProcessReturnOrder, ReturnOrder, ReturnCause, ReturnOrderLine, ReturnOrderWarehouse, ReturnOrderTracking, ProcessReturnOrderResponse, ProcessReturnOrderResult, ProcessReturnOrderError

Request XML

POST /xxx/Service.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: ""

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <ProcessReturnOrder xmlns="">
        <ReturnCustomerOrderIdentification>OrderId or OrderNumber</ReturnCustomerOrderIdentification>
        <ReturnOrderIdentification>CustomerOrder or ReturnOrderNumber</ReturnOrderIdentification>
          <ReturnCauseOperation>Find or FindOrCreate or SetUnknown</ReturnCauseOperation>
            <ReturnOrderLineIdentification>ExternalOrderLineCode or ArticleNumber or OrderLineId</ReturnOrderLineIdentification>
              <ReturnCauseOperation>Find or FindOrCreate or SetUnknown</ReturnCauseOperation>
            <ReturnOrderLineIdentification>ExternalOrderLineCode or ArticleNumber or OrderLineId</ReturnOrderLineIdentification>
              <ReturnCauseOperation>Find or FindOrCreate or SetUnknown</ReturnCauseOperation>
          <Identification>WarehouseCode or WarehouseId</Identification>

Request specification

GoodsOwnerCode string(400) Req. The name/code of your client
UserName string(50) Req. Your username
Password string(50) Req. Your password
ReturnOrder ReturnOrder Req. The ReturnOrder object
ReturnCustomerOrderIdentification enum Req. Defined how to identify the sales order associated with the return order. Most common is to use OrderNumber.
 - OrderId
 - OrderNumber
ReturnOrderIdentification enum Req. Defines how you want to identify the return order. If you only have one return order per order you can use CustomerOrder it will then use the values supplied in ReturnCustomerOrderIdentification to find the return order. If you have multiple return orders per order you should use ReturnOrderNumber.
 - CustomerOrder
 - ReturnOrderNumber
ReturnCause ReturnCause An element of type ReturnCause.
OrderId int Identifies the sales order.
CustomerOrderNumber string Sales order number in the goods owners system.
ReturnOrderNumber string If you don't have return orders in your system you can generate order numbers using {orderNumber}-return{n} where {orderNumber} is the order associated with the return.
ReturnOrderComment string Comment to warehouse.
ReturnInDate dateTime When it is expected to arrive.
ReturnOrderLines ReturnOrderLine[] Containing information about the returned articles as elements of _i_ReturnOrderLinebackslash_i.
Warehouse ReturnOrderWarehouse Element of type ReturnOrderWarehouse. Defines which warehouse is supposed to process the return.
Tracking ReturnOrderTracking[] List of ReturnOrderTracking. These are the tracking numbers and tracking URLs for the return order.
ReturnOrderHandlingComment string Return order handling comment to warehouse.
ReturnCauseOperation enum Req. What operation to perform when finding the return cause.
 - Find
 - FindOrCreate
 - SetUnknown
ReturnCauseCode string Req. The code of the return cause.
ReturnCauseName string Req. The name of the return cause.
ReturnOrderLineIdentification enum Req. Defines how to find the order line on the original order.
 - ExternalOrderLineCode
 - ArticleNumber
 - OrderLineId
ToBeReturnedNumberOfItems decimal Req. The number of items returned.
ReturnOrderRowNumber string Req. The row number. If no external return order, start counting from 1, 2, etc.
ExternalOrderLineCode string Only required if ReturnOrderLineIdentification = ExternalOrderLineCode. Order line code used in goods owner system.
ArticleNumber string(50) Req. Only required if ReturnOrderLineIdentification = ArticleNumber. The Article number of the returned item.
ReturnCause ReturnCause An element of type ReturnCause.
OrderLineId int Only required if ReturnOrderLineIdentification = OrderLineId. The Ongoing WMS internal id of the order line.
Identification enum Req. Defines what you want to identify the warehouse by:
 - WarehouseCode
 - WarehouseId
Code string(50) Warehouse code. Required if WarehouseIdentification = WarehouseCode
Id int Warehouse id. Required if WarehouseIdentification = WarehouseId
Url string(300) The tracking URL for the return order.
WayBill string(50) The tracking number for the return order.

Response XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <ProcessReturnOrderResponse xmlns="">
            <ErrorType>OrderNotFound or ReturnCauseNotFound or UnknownError or LogonError or OrderIdNotSupplied or OrderNumberNotSupplied or OrderRowNotFound or WarehouseNotFound</ErrorType>
            <ErrorType>OrderNotFound or ReturnCauseNotFound or UnknownError or LogonError or OrderIdNotSupplied or OrderNumberNotSupplied or OrderRowNotFound or WarehouseNotFound</ErrorType>

Response specification

ProcessReturnOrderResult ProcessReturnOrderResult
ReturnOrderId int Ongoing WMS id for the return order.
Success boolean If operation was successful or not.
ProcessReturnOrderErrors ProcessReturnOrderError[] A list of errors occured.
Message string Error message.
ErrorType enum Provides a set of known error codes.
 - OrderNotFound
 - ReturnCauseNotFound
 - UnknownError
 - LogonError
 - OrderIdNotSupplied
 - OrderNumberNotSupplied
 - WarehouseNotFound