
This function lets you retrieve inventory changes.

Tags: GetInventoryChangesByQuery, GetInventoryChangesQuery, GetInventoryChangesByQueryResponse, GetInventoryChangesResult, InventoryChangeLine_GetInventoryChanges, GetInventoryChangesErrorResult, GoodsOwner_GetInventoryChanges, ArticleInfo_GetInventoryChanges, InventoryTransaction_GetInventoryChanges, InventoryAdjustmentCause_GetInventoryChanges, Warehouse_GetInventoryChanges, ByUser_GetInventoryChanges, ArticleItemStatus_GetInventoryChanges, Location_GetInventoryChanges, Inventory_GetInventoryChanges

Request XML

POST /xxx/Automation.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: ""

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetInventoryChangesByQuery xmlns="">

Request specification

UserName string(50) Req. Your username
Password string(50) Req. Your password
Query GetInventoryChangesQuery Req. The query object
From dateTime The from date. Information will be retrieved of inventory changes between the from date and to date. Filter inventory changes to changes that occur after this time.
To dateTime Filter inventory changes to changes that occur before this time.
InventoryIdFrom int Filter inventory changes from this inventory id, i.e. see the changes made by a specific inventory.
OnlyUnReported boolean If only unreported inventory changes should be retrieved.
WarehouseId int The id of the warehouse to retrieve inventory changes from.
OnlyLiveGoodsOwners boolean If only inventory changes from live goods owners should be retrieved.
GoodsOwnerId int The id of the goods owner from which inventory changes should be retrieved.
ExportTimeFrom dateTime Filter inventory changes to those whose ExportTime is the same as or later than this value.
ArticleDefIdFrom int Filter inventory changes to those whose ArticleDefId is the same as or larger than this value.
MaxArticlesToGet int Max number of inventory changes to retrieve with this query.

Response XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetInventoryChangesByQueryResponse xmlns="">
          <ErrorType>Unknown or LogonError</ErrorType>

Response specification

GetInventoryChangesByQueryResult GetInventoryChangesResult
Success boolean If the operation was successful. If not, check GetInventoryChangesErrorResult for more details on what went wrong.
InventoryChangeLines InventoryChangeLine_GetInventoryChanges[] List of inventory changes.
Error GetInventoryChangesErrorResult Error details, see GetInventoryChangesErrorResult.
GoodsOwner GoodsOwner_GetInventoryChanges See GoodsOwner_GetInventoryChanges.
Article ArticleInfo_GetInventoryChanges See ArticleInfo_GetInventoryChanges.
InventoryChangesNumberOfItems decimal The number of inventory changes retrieved.
InventoryTransactions InventoryTransaction_GetInventoryChanges[] See InventoryTransaction_GetInventoryChanges.
ErrorType enum LogonError: Failed to log in.
Unknown: Something else went wrong, see message.
Message string(400) A message describing the error.
GoodsOwnerId int The id of the goods owner.
ArticleDefId int The id of the article.
ArticleNumber string(100) The article number.
InventoryChangesNumberOfItems decimal The amount adjusted in terms of number of items.
Comment string(400) A comment belonging to the change made.
Container string(50) Container for the changed item.
Batch string(50) Batch of the changed item.
Serial string(128) Serial of the changed item.
ExpiryDate dateTime The expiry date and time of the changed items.
InventoryAdjustmentCause InventoryAdjustmentCause_GetInventoryChanges See InventoryAdjustmentCause_GetInventoryChanges.
Warehouse Warehouse_GetInventoryChanges See Warehouse_GetInventoryChanges.
ByUser ByUser_GetInventoryChanges See ByUser_GetInventoryChanges.
ArticleItemStatus ArticleItemStatus_GetInventoryChanges See ArticleItemStatus_GetInventoryChanges.
Location Location_GetInventoryChanges See Location_GetInventoryChanges.
Inventory Inventory_GetInventoryChanges See Inventory_GetInventoryChanges.
Code string(50) Adjustment cause code.
Name string(50) Adjustment cause name.
Id int The id of the warehouse where the transaction took place.
Name string(200) The name of the warehouse.
Code string(50) The warehouse code.
UserId int The id of the user who made the transaction.
UserName string(50) The name of the user who made the transaction.
ArticleItemStatusCode string(50) The status code of the article items.
ArticleItemStatusName string(100) The status name of the article items.
Location string(50) The name of the location.
LocationId int The location's id.
IsLocked boolean Wheter or not the location is locked.
InventoryId int The id of the inventory.
ByInventoryCountTask boolean True if the inventory change was made by an inventory task.
InventoryTime dateTime The time when the inventory was started.
InventoryItemComment string(400) A comment belonging to the inventory item.
InventoryArticleItemId int