
This function lets you retrieve information about articles (SKUs).

Tags: GetArticlesByQuery, GetArticlesQuery, GetArticlesBarcodeFilters, GetArticlesByQueryResponse, GetArticlesResult, GetArticlesArticleInfo, GetArticlesGroup, GetArticlesSupplier, GetArticlesCategory, GetArticlesSize, GetArticlesColor, GetArticlesUnit, GetArticlesGoodsOwner, GetArticlesCurrency, GetArticlesCountry, GetArticlesDefaultLocation, GetArticlesGoodsCategory, GetArticlesStorageClass, GetArticlesAlternativeBarcode, GetArticlesAlternativeBarcodeType

Request XML

POST /xxx/Automation.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: ""

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetArticlesByQuery xmlns="">

Request specification

UserName string(50) Req. Your username
Password string(50) Req. Your password
Query GetArticlesQuery Req. The query object
ArticleDefIds int[] Req. The article def ids which you want to get
GoodsOwnerId int Only get articles for this goods owner
DefaultPickingLocation string Only get articles whose default picking location is this
MaxArticlesToGet int Max number of articles to return in response
ArticleDefIdFrom int If specified, the API will only respond with articles whose system Ids are greater than or equal to (>=) the specified id. In conjunction with MaxArticlesToGet this allows you to request articles in batches of e.g. 100, rather than having to request all articles at once.
OnlyLiveGoodsOwners boolean If true, then the API will only return articles which belong to goods owners which have been marked as "live".
ArticleNumber string(100) Filter using article number.
Barcodes GetArticlesBarcodeFilters Object of type GetArticlesBarcodeFilters. Used to filter for articles using barcodes. Each article in Ongoing WMS has several different barcode fields.
Barcode string(100) Filter using the article's barcode.
AlternativeBarcode string(100) Filter using the article's alternative barcodes.
BarcodePallet string(100) Filter using the article's pallet barcode.
BarcodePackage string(100) Filter using the article's package barcode.

Response XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetArticlesByQueryResponse xmlns="">
            <ArticleKind>Stock or Production or Structure or NonStock</ArticleKind>
            <ArticleKind>Stock or Production or Structure or NonStock</ArticleKind>

Response specification

GetArticlesByQueryResult GetArticlesResult
Message string
Success boolean
Articles GetArticlesArticleInfo[]
ArticleDefId int Ongoing WMS internal id of the article
ArticleNumber string(100) Article number
ArticleName string(200) Article name
ProductCode string(200) Product code.
BarCode string(100) Barcode
BarCodePackage string(100) Barcode of bulk package containing this article
BarCodePallet string(100) Barcode for a pallet containing this article
QuantityPerPallet int Number of units that fit on a pallet
QuantityPerPackage int Number of units that fit in a package/box
QuantityPerLayer decimal Number of articles per layer on the pallet
Description string(3000) A text describing the article
SupplierArticleNumber string(200) The supplier's article number for the article
StatisticsNumber string(100) Statistics number (used for customs)
ArticleGroup GetArticlesGroup Group
MainSupplier GetArticlesSupplier Supplier
ArticleCategory GetArticlesCategory Category
ArticleSize GetArticlesSize Size
ArticleColor GetArticlesColor Color
ArticleUnit GetArticlesUnit Unit
GoodsOwner GetArticlesGoodsOwner Information about the goods owner which the article belongs to
Length decimal Length (m)
Width decimal Width (m)
Height decimal Height (m)
Price decimal Price
Weight decimal Weight (kg)
NetWeight decimal Net weight (kg)
Volume decimal Volume (m^3)
PurchaseCurrency GetArticlesCurrency Purchase currency
CountryOfOrigin GetArticlesCountry Country of origin
PurchasePrice decimal Purchase price
StockLimit int Minimum number of units allowed in stock
FreeDecimal1 decimal Free decimal, may be used for anything
FreeDecimal2 decimal Free decimal, may be used for anything
DefaultPickingLocation GetArticlesDefaultLocation(50) The article's default picking location
DefaultPickingLocationMaxNumberOfItems decimal Maximum number of items which should be available in the article's default picking location
DefaultPickingLocationStockLimit decimal Minimum number of items which should be available in the article's default picking location
ArticleKind enum An enum describing what kind of article this is:
  • Stock - normal article, which can be kept in stock
  • Production - an article which is produced by the warehouse
  • Structure - an article which is defined in terms of other articles
  • NonStock - an article which is not kept in stock, e.g. an article which represents "freight"
MaxStackNumberOfLevels decimal If the article is stackable, this represents the maximum number of levels in such a stack.
GoodsCategory GetArticlesGoodsCategory Goods category
StorageClass GetArticlesStorageClass Used for classifying articles in different storage classes based on velocity. Also known as "ABC class".
AlternativeBarcodes GetArticlesAlternativeBarcode[] Used to specify additional barcodes that are associated with the article.
Name string
Code string
SupplierName string
SupplierNumber string
SupplierId int
Name string
Code string
Name string
Code string
Name string
Code string
UnitCode string
Name string
GoodsOwnerId int
IsTrainingGoodsOwner boolean bool
Code string
Code string
Location string
LocationId int
Code string
Name string
Name string
BarcodeType GetArticlesAlternativeBarcodeType An element of type GetArticlesAlternativeBarcodeType.
Barcode string
QuantityPerBarcode decimal
Code string
Name string