
This function allows you to receive goods into the system.

Tags: Receive, ReceivingOperation, ByUser, InOrder_Receive, ArticleItemStatus_Receive, ReceiveResponse, ReceivingResult, ReceiveError, ReceivedArticleItem_Receive

Request XML

POST /xxx/Automation.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: ""

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <Receive xmlns="">

Request specification

UserName string(50) Req. Your username
Password string(50) Req. Your password
Operation ReceivingOperation Req. The operation object
ArticleDefId int Ongoing WMS internal id of the article you wish to receive.
ReceivedByUser ByUser An element of type ByUser.
PalletItemId int If receiving onto a pallet item, this is the id of the pallet item.
NumberOfItems decimal The quantity which is being received.
Serial string(128) The serial number of the received item.
Batch string(50) The batch number of the received item.
Comment string(400) Comment. Will be stored on the article item.
Container string(50) Container number.
Length decimal Length.
Width decimal Width.
Height decimal Height.
Weight decimal Weight.
Volume decimal
IsLockedByItemLock boolean true if you want to lock the received item, false otherwise.
ExpiryDate dateTime Expiry date.
InOrder InOrder_Receive An element of type InOrder_Receive.
ArticleItemStatus ArticleItemStatus_Receive An element of type ArticleItemStatus_Receive.
Location string(50) The name of the location where you want to receive the items to.
UserName string(50) Req. The name of the user. Must be an actual user in Ongoing WMS. Will be set as the user that performed the packing.
InOrderLineId int The id of the inorder line which you are receiving against.
ArticleItemStatusId int The id of the article item status that you want the item to have.

Response XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <ReceiveResponse xmlns="">
            <ErrorType>UnknownError or LogonError or LocationNotFound or ArticleNotFound or ArticleIsDeleted or ArticleIsNotStockArticle or GoodsOwnerIsDeleted or InOrderIdNotFound or InOrderLineNotFound or InOrderLineIdMissMatch or NumberOfItemsToReceiveGreaterThanLeftToReceiveOnInOrder or PalletItemIdNotFound or ErrorWhileSaving or ReceivedByUserError or ArticleItemStatusNotFound or ArticleItemCategoryNotFound or InvalidNumberOfItems or InvalidFieldValues</ErrorType>
            <ErrorType>UnknownError or LogonError or LocationNotFound or ArticleNotFound or ArticleIsDeleted or ArticleIsNotStockArticle or GoodsOwnerIsDeleted or InOrderIdNotFound or InOrderLineNotFound or InOrderLineIdMissMatch or NumberOfItemsToReceiveGreaterThanLeftToReceiveOnInOrder or PalletItemIdNotFound or ErrorWhileSaving or ReceivedByUserError or ArticleItemStatusNotFound or ArticleItemCategoryNotFound or InvalidNumberOfItems or InvalidFieldValues</ErrorType>

Response specification

ReceiveResult ReceivingResult
Errors ReceiveError[]
Success boolean True if successful, false otherwise.
ReceivedArticleItem ReceivedArticleItem_Receive A ReceivedArticleItem object, which gives information about the item which was received.
Message string Message explaining the error.
ErrorType enum The type of error:
- UnknownError
- LogonError
- LocationNotFound
- ArticleNotFound
- ArticleIsDeleted
- ArticleIsNotStockArticle
- GoodsOwnerIsDeleted
- InOrderIdNotFound
- InOrderLineNotFound
- InOrderLineIdMissMatch
- NumberOfItemsToReceiveGreaterThanLeftToReceiveOnInOrder
- PalletItemIdNotFound
- ErrorWhileSaving
- ReceivedByUserError
- ArticleItemStatusNotFound
- ArticleItemCategoryNotFound
- InvalidNumberOfItems
- InvalidFieldValues
ArticleItemId int Ongoing system id for the received article item.
NumberOfItems decimal The received quantity.
LocationId int Ongoing system id for the location where the item was received.