
This function allows you to create pallet items on shipments.

This might be used in combination with the Pack operation when packing an order or to add package numbers to an order with the purpose of shipment tracking.

Tags: CreateShipmentPalletItem, CreateShipmentPalletItemOperation, CreateShipmentPalletItemPalletTypeOperation, CreateShipmentPalletItemResponse, CreateShipmentPalletItemResult, CreateShipmentPalletItemError, CreatedShipmentPalletItem

Request XML

POST /xxx/Automation.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: ""

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <CreateShipmentPalletItem xmlns="">
          <Identification>PalletTypeId or PalletTypeCode or PalletTypeName</Identification>
        <TransportAdministrationType>None or Return or Delivery</TransportAdministrationType>

Request specification

UserName string(50) Req. Your username
Password string(50) Req. Your password
Operation CreateShipmentPalletItemOperation Req. The operation object
ShipmentId int Req. The shipment id of the shipment to connect the pallet item to.
PalletType CreateShipmentPalletItemPalletTypeOperation Req. An element of type CreateShipmentPalletItemPalletTypeOperation.
LabelId string(30) The pallet item label. Usually SSCC or some other kind of serial number.
Serial string(100) Secondary serial number. It is usually preferred to use LabelId.
Comment string(300) An optional comment.
Weight decimal The weight of the pallet item in kilograms (Kg).
Volume decimal The volume of the pallet item in qubic meters (m3).
Length decimal The Length of the pallet item in meters (m).
Width decimal The Width of the pallet item in meters (m).
Height decimal The Height of the pallet item in meters (m).
LoadMeters decimal The load meters of the pallet item
ParentPalletItemId int The pallet item id of the parent of this pallet item. Can be used for e.g. packages that is being placed on a pallet.
TransportAdministrationType enum Req. Determines if the pallet item is used as a transport administration pallet item that contains package number for shipping purposes:
- None
- Return
- Deliver
PalletTypeCode string
PalletTypeName string
PalletTypeId int
Identification enum An element of type CreateShipmentPalletItemPalletTypeIdentification.

Response XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <CreateShipmentPalletItemResponse xmlns="">
            <ErrorType>UnknownError or LogonError or GoodsOwnerIsDeleted or ShipmentIdDoesNotExist or PalletTypeNotFound or ParentPalletItemIdDoesNotExist</ErrorType>
            <ErrorType>UnknownError or LogonError or GoodsOwnerIsDeleted or ShipmentIdDoesNotExist or PalletTypeNotFound or ParentPalletItemIdDoesNotExist</ErrorType>

Response specification

CreateShipmentPalletItemResult CreateShipmentPalletItemResult
Errors CreateShipmentPalletItemError[] A list of CreateShipmentPalletItemError objects
Success boolean True if successful, false otherwise.
CreatedPalletItem CreatedShipmentPalletItem An element of type CreatedShipmentPalletItem.
Message string Message explaining the error.
ErrorType enum The type of error:
- UnknownError
- LogonError
- GoodsOwnerIsDeleted
- ShipmentIdDoesNotExist
- PalletTypeNotFound
- ParentPalletItemIdDoesNotExist
PalletItemId int The internal id of the created pallet item.
LabelId string The label of the created pallet item. Usually SSCC or some other kind of serial number.
Serial string The serial of the pallet item. Usually used as a secondary serial after LabelId