UpdateArticleItems (automation API)

Each article (SKU) in Ongoing WMS has zero or more article items. The article items represent what is in stock at the warehouse (for more information about article items, see this article). UpdateArticleItems allows you to update the data on one or more article items.

Tags: UpdateArticleItems, UpdateArticleItemsOperationAutomation, UpdateArticleItemsIdentificationAutomation, UpdateArticleItemStatusAutomation, UpdateArticleItemCategoryAutomation, UpdateArticleItemLockAutomation, UpdateArticleItemPriceAutomation, UpdateArticleItemBatchAutomation, UpdateArticleItemSerialAutomation, UpdateArticleItemExpiryDateAutomation, UpdateArticleItemCommentAutomation, UpdateArticleItemsResponse, UpdateArticleItemsResultAutomation, UpdateArticleItemsResultErrorAutomation, UpdatedArticleItemAutomation, Article_UpdatedArticleItemAutomation

Request XML

POST /xxx/Automation.asmx HTTP/1.1
Host: api.ongoingsystems.se
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: "http://ongoingsystems.se/Automation/UpdateArticleItems"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <UpdateArticleItems xmlns="http://ongoingsystems.se/Automation">
          <StockStatus>IsInStock or IsInStockOrIsAdvised or NoFilter</StockStatus>

Request specification

UserName string(50) Req. Your username
Password string(50) Req. Your password
Operation UpdateArticleItemsOperationAutomation Req. The operation object
Identification UpdateArticleItemsIdentificationAutomation Req. This object tells the system which article items you want to update. For instance, you can update all article items which have the same batch. You have to specify at least one identifier. See UpdateArticleItemsIdentificationAutomation.
NumberOfItemsToUpdate decimal If specified, this is the maximum quantity which you want to change. If you don't specify this field, the system will change all article items which match your filter.
UpdateArticleItemStatus UpdateArticleItemStatusAutomation The new article item status of the items which match your filter. See UpdateArticleItemStatusAutomation.
UpdateArticleItemCategory UpdateArticleItemCategoryAutomation The new article item category of the items which match your filter. See UpdateArticleItemCategoryAutomation.
UpdateArticleItemLock UpdateArticleItemLockAutomation Allows you to lock or unlock the items which match your filter. See UpdateArticleItemLocAutomationk. Note that this lock specifically refers to the _i_item lockbackslash_i. There are other ways of locking items (for instance, by placing them in a locked location) and those types of locks will not be affected by changing the item lock.
UpdateArticleItemPrice UpdateArticleItemPriceAutomation The new article item price of the items which match your filter. See UpdateArticleItemPriceAutomation.
UpdateArticleItemBatch UpdateArticleItemBatchAutomation The new batch number of the items which match your filter. See UpdateArticleItemBatchbackAutomationslash_a.
UpdateArticleItemSerial UpdateArticleItemSerialAutomation The new serial number for the items which match your filter. See UpdateArticleItemSerialAutomation.
UpdateArticleItemExpiryDate UpdateArticleItemExpiryDateAutomation The new expiry date for the items which match your filter. See UpdateArticleItemExpiryDateAutomation.
UpdateArticleItemComment UpdateArticleItemCommentAutomation The new comment for the items which match your filter. See UpdateArticleItemExpiryDateAutomation.
GoodsOwnerId int The ID of the goods owner which the article items belong to.
ArticleSystemId int The article system id of the article whose items you want to update.
OriginalArticleItemId int Only update article items which have the specified OriginalArticleItemId.
ArticleItemId int Only update this particular ArticleItemId.
ArticleItemStatusId int Only update article items which have this status id.
Batch string(50) The batch number of the article items which you want to update.
Serial string(128) The serial number of the article items which you want to update.
StockStatus enum Must be one of these values:
- IsInStock
- IsInStockOrIsAdvised
- NoFilter

If IsInStock, then the system will only update article items which are in stock.

If IsInStockOrIsAdvised, then the system will update article items which are either in stock or advised (this is the default behavior).

If NoFilter, then the system will update all article items matching the provided identification. This means that it is possible to update article items which have left the warehouse, so please use with caution.
ArticleItemStatusCode string(50) The new article item status code for the items.
ArticleItemStatusId int The new article item status id for the items.
ClearArticleItemStatus boolean Remove the current article item status for the items.
ArticleItemCategoryCode string(100) The new article item category code for the items.
ArticleItemCategoryId int The new article item category id for the items.
IsLockedByItemLock boolean Whether or not the items are item locked.
ArticleItemPrice decimal The new article item price for the items.
Batch string(50) The new batch number price for the items.
Serial string(128) The new serial number price for the items.
ExpiryDate dateTime The new expiry date price for the items.
Comment string The new comment for the items.

Response XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <UpdateArticleItemsResponse xmlns="http://ongoingsystems.se/Automation">
            <ErrorType>UnknownError or LogonError or NoArticleItemsFound or ArticleNotFound or ErrorUpdating or InvalidIdentification or ArticleItemStatusNotFound or NoUpdateOperationSpecified or ArticleItemDivideFailed or ArticleItemCategoryNotFound</ErrorType>
            <ErrorType>UnknownError or LogonError or NoArticleItemsFound or ArticleNotFound or ErrorUpdating or InvalidIdentification or ArticleItemStatusNotFound or NoUpdateOperationSpecified or ArticleItemDivideFailed or ArticleItemCategoryNotFound</ErrorType>

Response specification

UpdateArticleItemsResult UpdateArticleItemsResultAutomation
Errors UpdateArticleItemsResultErrorAutomation[] A list of UpdateArticleItemsResultErrorAutomation objects
UpdatedArticleItems UpdatedArticleItemAutomation[] An list of objects of type UpdatedArticleItemAutomation, telling you which article items were updated.
Success boolean True if successful, false otherwise.
Message string Message explaining the error.
ErrorType enum The type of error:
- UnknownError
- LogonError
- NoArticleItemsFound
- ArticleNotFound
- ErrorUpdating
- InvalidIdentification
- ArticleItemStatusNotFound
- NoUpdateOperationSpecified
- ArticleItemDivideFailed
- ArticleItemCategoryNotFound
Article Article_UpdatedArticleItemAutomation Information about the article.
ArticleItemId int Article item id.
OriginalArticleItemId int Original article item id.
Serial string(128) Serial number.
Batch string(50) Batch number.
ArticleItemStatusId int Article item status id.
NumberOfItems decimal The quantity which this article item represents.
ArticleItemCategoryId int Article item category id.
IsLockedByItemLock boolean Whether or note the item is locked.
ArticleItemPrice decimal The article item price
ArticleSystemId int