
This function is used to get warehouse locations. You can specify a filter so that, for instance, only locations in a certain aisle are returned. A possible use of this function is to display a map of the warehouse in your own system.

For more information about how locations work in Ongoing WMS, see our manual.

Tags: GetLocationsByQuery, GetLocationsQuery, AdvancedGetLocationsAutomation, GetLocationsByQueryResponse, GetLocationsResult, Location_GetLocations, Aisle_GetLocations, LocationType_GetLocations, Zone_GetLocations

Request XML

POST /xxx/Automation.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: ""

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetLocationsByQuery xmlns="">
          <SortType>Standard or LocationPickingPriorityAscending</SortType>

Request specification

UserName string(50) Req. Your username
Password string(50) Req. Your password
Query GetLocationsQuery Req. The query object
AisleName string(300) Only return locations belonging to the aisle with this name.
AisleId int Only return locations belonging to the aisle with this ID.
LocationTypeId int Only return locations of this location type.
OnlyFreeLocations boolean If true, only return locations which are free (i.e. locations which have no items in them).
LocationId int Only return the location which has this internal system ID.
LocationName string(500) Only return the location which has this name.
LocationIds int[] Only return the locations which have these internal system IDs.
MaxLocationsToGet int Maximum number of locations to return.
LocationIdFrom int Only return locations whose ID is greater than this value.
WarehouseId int Only return which are in this warehouse.
ZoneId int Filter for a particular zone ID.
ZoneName string(300) Filter for a particular zone name.
Advanced AdvancedGetLocationsAutomation Advanced options
SortType enum An element of type SortTypeGetLocationsAutomation.

Response XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetLocationsByQueryResponse xmlns="">

Response specification

GetLocationsByQueryResult GetLocationsResult
Locations Location_GetLocations[] A list of Location_GetLocations.
Success boolean
Message string
LocationId int Internal system ID of the location.
LocationName string(50) The name of the location.
PositionX int The location's X position within its aisle.
PositionY int The location's Y position within its aisle.
Aisle Aisle_GetLocations An object of type Aisle_GetLocations, containing information about the aisle which the location is in.
LocationType LocationType_GetLocations An object of type LocationType_GetLocations, containing information about the location type. This value may be null.
IsLocked boolean Whether or not the location has been locked.
IsLockedForSale boolean Whether or not the location has been "locked for sale" (meaning that the items in the location should not be sold).
LocationPickingPriority int Location picking priority.
AisleId int Internal system ID of the aisle.
AisleName string(300) The name of the aisle.
Zone Zone_GetLocations An object of type Zone_GetLocations, containing information about the zone which the aisle is in.
Name string(50) The name of the location type.
Id int The ID of the location type.
Code string(50) The code of the location type.
ZoneId int Internal system ID of the zone.
ZoneName string(300) The name of the zone.
WarehouseId int The ID of the warehouse which the zone is in.