
Moves the specified quantity of a particular article item (or all article items with a specific serial number) to a new location.

Tags: MoveArticleItem, MoveArticleItemOperation, MoveArticleItemAdditionalFilters, MoveToPalletItem, ByUser, MoveSetArticleItemFields, PalletType_MoveArticleItem, MoveArticleItemResponse, MoveArticleItemResult, MoveArticleItemError, MovedArticleItem

Request XML

POST /xxx/Automation.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: ""

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <MoveArticleItem xmlns="">
        <ArticleItemIdentification>ArticleItemId or Serial or OriginalArticleItemId or FiltersSpecified</ArticleItemIdentification>
          <Operation>Clear or Find or FindOrCreate</Operation>
          <PalletItemIdentification>LabelIdAndPalletType or PalletItemId</PalletItemIdentification>
            <Operation>Clear or Find or FindOrCreate</Operation>
            <PalletItemIdentification>LabelIdAndPalletType or PalletItemId</PalletItemIdentification>
            <Parent>object of type MoveToPalletItem</Parent>

Request specification

UserName string(50) Req. Your username
Password string(50) Req. Your password
Operation MoveArticleItemOperation Req. The operation object
ArticleItemId int The article item id to move. Required if ArticleItemIdentification = ArticleItemId
ArticleItemIdentification enum Defines what you want to identify the article item id by:
 - ArticleItemId
 - Serial
 - OriginalArticleItemId
 - FiltersSpecified
Serial string(128) The serial number to move. Required if ArticleItemIdentification = Serial
ToLocation string(50) Req. The name of the location where you want to move the article item to
NumberOfItems decimal Req. The quantity which you wish to move
OriginalArticleItemId int The original article item id to move. Required if ArticleItemIdentification = OriginalArticleItemId. Only use if you know what you are doing
AdditionalFilters MoveArticleItemAdditionalFilters An MoveArticleItemAdditionalFilters object. Apply filters to enable identification of exactly what item to move (e.g. the items current WorkOrderId or OrderId, for example attained from the GetMovementArticleItemsByQuery function)
PalletItem MoveToPalletItem An element of type MoveToPalletItem.
MovedByUser ByUser Req. An element of type ByUser. Designates which user did the movement.
SetArticleItemFields MoveSetArticleItemFields An MoveSetArticleItemFields object. Specify if you also want to update fields for the moved ArticleItems
OrderId int Indicate what OrderId the ArticleItem to move should be allocated/picked to
WorkOrderId int Indicate what MovementOrderId the ArticleItem to move should exist on (but not yet executed)
FromLocation string(50) Indicate which location to move the ArticleItem from.
ArticleItemPalletItemId int
ArticleItemPalletItemLabelId string
ArticleItemParentPalletItemId int
ArticleItemParentPalletItemLabelId string
ArticleDefId int Ongoing WMS system id for an article.
Operation enum An element of type MoveToPalletItemOperation.
PalletItemIdentification enum An element of type PalletItemIdentification_MoveArticleItem.
LabelId string
Serial string
Comment string
PalletItemId int
PalletType PalletType_MoveArticleItem An element of type PalletType_MoveArticleItem.
Parent MoveToPalletItem An element of type MoveToPalletItem.
UserName string(50) Req. The name of the user. Must be an actual user in Ongoing WMS. Will be set as the user that performed the packing.
ArticleItemFreeText1 string(100) Free text field belonging to the article item.
PalletTypeCode string

Response XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <MoveArticleItemResponse xmlns="">
            <ErrorType>NoArticleItemsFound or LogonError or LocationNotFound or PalletTypeNotFound or PalletItemNotFound or UnknownError or ErrorWhileSaving or InvalidNumberOfItems or MandatoryArticleItemIdentificationFieldNotSpecified or MandatoryPalletItemIdentificationFieldNotSpecified or MoreThanOneMatchingPalletItemFound</ErrorType>
            <ErrorType>NoArticleItemsFound or LogonError or LocationNotFound or PalletTypeNotFound or PalletItemNotFound or UnknownError or ErrorWhileSaving or InvalidNumberOfItems or MandatoryArticleItemIdentificationFieldNotSpecified or MandatoryPalletItemIdentificationFieldNotSpecified or MoreThanOneMatchingPalletItemFound</ErrorType>

Response specification

MoveArticleItemResult MoveArticleItemResult
Success boolean True if the call succeeded, false otherwise
Message string If the call failed, this field contains the error message
Errors MoveArticleItemError[]
MovedArticleItems MovedArticleItem[]
Message string
ErrorType enum An element of type MoveArticleItemErrorType.
ArticleItemId int
LocationId int
NumberOfItems decimal
PalletItemId int