
Returns all goods owners.

Tags: GetGoodsOwnersByQuery, GetGoodsOwnersByQueryResponse, GetGoodsOwnersResult, GetGoodsOwnersInfo, GoodsOwnerGroupInfo, GoodsOwnerActiveInvoice, GoodsOwnerReferenceInfo, GoodsOwnerAddress, GoodsOwnerWarehouse, GoodsOwnerClass, GoodsOwnerInvoicingCurrency

Request XML

POST /xxx/Automation.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: ""

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetGoodsOwnersByQuery xmlns="">
      <Query />

Request specification

UserName string(50) Req. Your username
Password string(50) Req. Your password
Query GetGoodsOwnersQuery Req. An empty tag.

Response XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetGoodsOwnersByQueryResponse xmlns="">

Response specification

GetGoodsOwnersByQueryResult GetGoodsOwnersResult
Message string If the call failed, this field contains the error message
Success boolean True if the call succeeded, false otherwise
GoodsOwners GetGoodsOwnersInfo[] A list of GetGoodsOwnersInfo
GoodsOwnerId int Internal id for the goods owner
GoodsOwnerName string(400) The name of the goods owner
GoodsOwnerComment string(3000) Goods owner comment
IsTrainingGoodsOwner boolean Indicates if goods owner is used for training.
GoodsOwnerGroup GoodsOwnerGroupInfo Used to group goods owners. GoodsOwnerGroup
ActiveInvoice GoodsOwnerActiveInvoice Goods owner's current active invoice. GoodsOwnerActiveInvoice
References GoodsOwnerReferenceInfo Goods owner's references. GoodsOwnerReferenceInfo
Address GoodsOwnerAddress An element of type GoodsOwnerAddress.
DefaultWarehouse GoodsOwnerWarehouse Goods owner's default warehouse. GoodsOwnerWarehouse
GoodsOwnerClasses GoodsOwnerClass[] Goods owner classes. GoodsOwnerClass
GoodsOwnerInvoicingCurrency GoodsOwnerInvoicingCurrency Goods owner's default warehouse. GoodsOwnernvoicingCurrency
Id int Internal id of goods owner group
Code string(50) Group code
Id int Internal id of active invoice
InvoicePeriodFrom dateTime Start of invoice period
InvoicePeriodTo dateTime End of invoice period
InvoiceNumber string(50) Invoice number
FinancialCode string(50) Good sowner financial code. Used for invoicing.
GoodsLocationCode string(50) Goods location code
GoodsOwnerContactReference string(50) Goods owner contact reference
GoodsOwnerReference string(100) Good sowner reference
GoodsOwnerAdviseEmail string(300) Goods owner advise email. For instance for sending reports.
Name string
Address string
Address2 string
Address3 string
PostCode string
City string
TelePhone string
Email string
MobilePhone string
CountryStateCode string
CountryCode string
DeliveryInstruction string
NotifyBySMS boolean
NotifyByEmail boolean
NotifyByTelephone boolean
WarehouseId int Internal id for the warehouse
WarehouseName string(200) The name of the warehouse
WarehouseCode string(50) The code of the warehouse
Id int Id of the goods owner class.
Code string(100) Code of the goods owner class.
Name string(200) Name of the goods owner class.
Code string(100) Code of the goods owner invoicing currency.
Name string(200) Name of the goods owner invoicing currency.