
Returns all movement article items which match a particular query.

Tags: GetMovementArticleItemsByQuery, GetMovementArticleItemsQuery, MovementArticleItemsSpecialFilters, MovementArticleItemsPaging, GetMovementArticleItemsByQueryResponse, GetMovementArticleItemsResult, MovementArticleItemInfo, ArticleInfo, OrderInfo, MovementArticleItemTypeInfo, GetMovementArticleItemGoodsOwnerInfo, ArticleInfoAlternativeBarcode, ArticleClassInfoAutomation, PickOrderInfo, GetMovementArticleItemsOrderLineInfo, GetMovementArticleItemsOrderConsigneeInfo, GetMovementArticleTransporterInfo, OrderClassInfo_GetMovementArticleItems, GetMovementArticleItemsOrderCurrentShipmentInfo, ArticleInfoAlternativeBarcodeType, PickOrderPickingCartInfo, GetMovementArticleTransporterServiceInfo

Request XML

POST /xxx/Automation.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: ""

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetMovementArticleItemsByQuery xmlns="">

Request specification

UserName string(50) Req. Your username
Password string(50) Req. Your password
Query GetMovementArticleItemsQuery Req. The query object
FromLocations string[] Filter for movement article items being moved from these locations
ToLocations string[] Filter for movement article items being moved to these locations
OrderId int Filter for movement article items belonging to this order id
ArticleItemId int Filter for movement article items for this article item
ArticleDefId int Filter for movement article items for this article
GoodsOwnerId int Filter for movement article items for this goodsowner
SpecialFilters MovementArticleItemsSpecialFilters A SpecialFilters object
Paging MovementArticleItemsPaging A Paging object
OnlyGetMovementArticleItemsToBeHandled boolean Filter for article items which have been marked as "to be handled" by MovementArticleItemHandled
OnlyGetMovementArticleItemsWithType boolean Filter for movement article items where the type of the movement article item is not null
MaxRowsToGet int Max number of article items to return in response. Note: Filter may not be used in conjunction with MaxWorkOrdersToGet
MaxWorkOrdersToGet int Max number of work orders to return in response. Note: Filter may not be used in conjunction with MaxRowsToGet

Response XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetMovementArticleItemsByQueryResponse xmlns="">

Response specification

GetMovementArticleItemsByQueryResult GetMovementArticleItemsResult
Success boolean True if the call succeeded, false otherwise
Message string If the call failed, this field contains the error message
MovementArticleItems MovementArticleItemInfo[] The movement article items which matched the filter, as a list of MovementArticleItemInfo objects
Article ArticleInfo An ArticleInfo object, containing information about the article definition
Order OrderInfo An OrderInfo object, containing information about the order which the movement article item is tied to
Serial string(128) The serial number of the article item
NumberOfItems decimal The quantity of the article item
ArticleItemId int The internal system id of the article item
MovementArticleItemId int The internal system id of the movement article item
WorkOrderId int The work order id
Batch string(50) The batch number of the article item
FromLocation string(50) The name of the location where the article item is being moved from
ToLocation string(50) The name of the location where the article item is being moved to
OriginalArticleItemId int The original article item id of this item. If an article item has been created by splitting a previously existing article item, this field will tell you the id of the original article item.
SortIndex int Sort index of the movement article item
MovementArticleItemType MovementArticleItemTypeInfo An MovementArticleItemTypeInfo object, containing information about the items movement article item type
ExpiryDate dateTime The expiry date of the article item
GoodsOwnerInfo GetMovementArticleItemGoodsOwnerInfo Info about the Goods Owner
ArticleName string(200) The article name
ArticleNumber string(100) The article number
ArticleDefId int The internal system id of the article
GoodsOwnerName string(400) The name of the goodsowner to which the article belongs
GoodsOwnerId int The internal system id of the goodsowner to which the article belongs
ArticleGroupCode string(100) The code of the group to which the article belongs
ProductCode string(200) Product code
BarCode string(100) The barcode/EAN of the article
ArticleUnitCode string(50) The unit code of the article (e.g. "pcs")
Description string(3000) The article description
ArticleReturnHandlingComment string(500) The article return handling comment
LinkToPicture string(300) An URL to an image of the article
Weight decimal The article weight
Length decimal The article lenght
Width decimal The article width
Height decimal The article height
AlternativeBarcodes ArticleInfoAlternativeBarcode[] Alternative barcodes for this article. Used for defining different package sizes or just defining extra barcodes to identify an article. Contains ArticleInfoAlternativeBarcode objects
ArticleClasses ArticleClassInfoAutomation[] Alternative classes for this article. Contains ArticleClassInfoAutomation objects
IsSerialNumberArticle boolean True if the article is a serial number article, false otherwise
IsExpiryDateArticle boolean True if the article is an expiry date article, false otherwise
ArticlePickHandlingComment string(500) The articles pick handling comment
OrderNumber string(50) The order number. Same as GoodsOwnerOrderNumber in ProcessOrder
OrderId int The internal system id of the order
WayOfDelivery string(50) The way of delivery of the order
PickOrder PickOrderInfo A PickOrderInfo object, containing information about the pick order which the movement article item is tied to
FreeText1 string(300) Free text 1
FreeText2 string(50) Free text 2
FreeText3 string(50) Free text 3
WarehouseInstruction string(500) Warehouse instruction
OrderLine GetMovementArticleItemsOrderLineInfo A GetMovementArticleItemsOrderLineInfo object, containing information about the order line which the movement article item is tied to
Consignee GetMovementArticleItemsOrderConsigneeInfo A GetMovementArticleItemsOrderConsigneeInfo object, containing information about the order consignee which the movement article item is tied to
Transporter GetMovementArticleTransporterInfo A GetMovementArticleTransporterInfo object, containing information about the transporter of the order which the movement article item is tied to
OrderClasses OrderClassInfo_GetMovementArticleItems[] A list of OrderClassInfo_GetMovementArticleItems object, containing information about the order classes of the order which the movement article item is tied to
Shipment GetMovementArticleItemsOrderCurrentShipmentInfo A GetMovementArticleItemsOrderCurrentShipmentInfo object, containing information about the shipment of the order which the movement article item is tied to
ConsigneeOrderNumber string(150) Consignee order number.
DeliveryDate dateTime Delivery Date for the order.
Comment string(500) Order comment
GoodsOwnerOrderId string(40) The goods owner order ID. Same as GoodsOwnerOrderId in ProcessOrder
OrderDeliveryInstruction string(300) Delivery instruction
Code string(50) Identifier for the movement article item type
Name string(50) Full name for the movement article item type
Id int Ongoing WMS internal id of goods owner
FreeText1 string(600) Free text 1
FreeText2 string(600) Free text 2
Barcode string(100) The alternative barcode.
QuantityPerBarcode decimal The package size if this is used to define a package.
Type ArticleInfoAlternativeBarcodeType An ArticleInfoAlternativeBarcodeType object.
Name string(50) The name of the article class.
Code string(50) The the code of the article class.
Id int The Ongoing system ID of the article class.
PickOrderId int The internal system id of the pick order
BinIndex int The index of the bin/compartment on the picking cart to which the pick order is assigned
PickingCart PickOrderPickingCartInfo A PickOrderPickingCartInfo object, containing information about the picking cart which the pick order is tied to
WarehouseInstruction string(300) Warehouse instruction on the order line
OrderLineId int Ongoing WMS internal id of the order line.
ExternalOrderLineCode string(300) External order line code
Comment string(300) Comment on the order line
OrderLineFreeText1 string(300) Free text field on the order line
CustomerNumber string(50) Customer number
Name string(200) Name of the consignee
Comment string(800) The comment on the Consignee
CountryCode string(2) The two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country.
TransporterName string(80) Transporter name
TransporterCode string(50) Transporter code
TransporterService GetMovementArticleTransporterServiceInfo An object of type GetMovementArticleTransporterServiceInfo, containing information about the specific transporter service used for the order.
Code string(200) Order class code
Name string(200) Order class name
IsPalletTypeSuggestion boolean Class is intended to be a suggested package type
ShipmentId int(50) Id of the Shipment
ShipmentNumber string(200) Shipment number
Name string(300) The name of the type.
Code string(300) The code of the type.
PickingCartId int The internal system id of the picking cart
PickingCartName string The name of the picking cart
TransporterServiceName string(10) Transporter service name
TransporterServiceCode string(50) Transporter service code