
Each article (SKU) in Ongoing WMS has zero or more article items. The article items represent what is in stock at the warehouse (for more information about article items, see this article). GetArticleItemChanges allows you to fetch changes to article items. For instance, the status of an article item might change from, and you may wish to handle such changes in your integration.

Tags: GetArticleItemChanges, GetArticleItemChangesQuery, GetArticleItemChangesResponse, GetArticleItemChangesResult, ArticleItemChange, Article_GetArticleItemChanges, PreviousArticleItemVersion, NewArticleItemVersion, ArticleItemStatus_GetArticleItemChanges, ArticleItemCategory_GetArticleItemChanges

Request XML

POST /xxx/Service.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: ""

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetArticleItemChanges xmlns="">
          <ArticleItemChangeType>ArticleItemStatus or Serial or Batch or ExpiryDate or Weight or Volume or Length or Width or Height or Comment or Container or ArticleItemCategory or Price</ArticleItemChangeType>
          <ArticleItemChangeType>ArticleItemStatus or Serial or Batch or ExpiryDate or Weight or Volume or Length or Width or Height or Comment or Container or ArticleItemCategory or Price</ArticleItemChangeType>

Request specification

GoodsOwnerCode string(400) Req. The name/code of your client
UserName string(50) Req. Your username
Password string(50) Req. Your password
Query GetArticleItemChangesQuery Req. The query object
FromTime dateTime Only get changes which were made after this time
MaxChangesToGet int Req. The maximum number of changes to get. Must be between 10 and 2000.
FromArticleItemLogId int Only get changes whose LogId is larger than this value.
OnlyGetChanges ArticleItemChangeType[] Allows you to specify which type of change you want to see. You can specify several change types.

Response XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetArticleItemChangesResponse xmlns="">

Response specification

GetArticleItemChangesResult GetArticleItemChangesResult
Success boolean True if success
Message string Process message
ArticleItemChanges ArticleItemChange[] Objects of type ArticleItemChange
Article Article_GetArticleItemChanges Object of type Article_GetArticleItemChanges, contains information about the article.
ArticleItemLogId int The LogId of this change.
OriginalArticleItemId int The OriginalArticleItemId of the article item which was changed.
ChangeTime dateTime Time when the change was made.
NumberOfItems decimal The quantity which this article item represents.
PreviousVersion PreviousArticleItemVersion Object of type PreviousArticleItemVersion, representing the previous version of the item.
NewVersion NewArticleItemVersion Object of type NewArticleItemVersion, representing the new version of the item.
ArticleDefId int The internal system id of the article.
ArticleNumber string(100) The article number.
ProductCode string(200) The product code.
ArticleName string(200) The article name.
Serial string(128) Serial number.
Batch string(50) Batch number.
ExpiryDate dateTime Expiry date.
Weight decimal Weight.
Volume decimal Volume.
Comment string(400) Comment.
Length decimal Length.
Width decimal Width.
Height decimal Height.
Container string(50) Container.
ArticleItemStatus ArticleItemStatus_GetArticleItemChanges Object of type ArticleItemStatus_GetArticleItemChanges, representing the item's status.
ArticleItemCategory ArticleItemCategory_GetArticleItemChanges Object of type ArticleItemCategory_GetArticleItemChanges which shows which article item category the article item has.
Price decimal Price.
Serial string(128) Serial number.
Batch string(50) Batch number.
ExpiryDate dateTime Expiry date.
Weight decimal Weight.
Volume decimal Volume.
Comment string(400) Comment.
Length decimal Length.
Width decimal Width.
Height decimal Height.
ArticleItemStatus ArticleItemStatus_GetArticleItemChanges Object of type ArticleItemStatus_GetArticleItemChanges, representing the item's status.
IsCurrentVersion boolean True if this version is the current version of the article item. Otherwise it will be False, which means that there have been other updates to the item.
Container string(50) Container.
ArticleItemCategory ArticleItemCategory_GetArticleItemChanges Object of type ArticleItemCategory_GetArticleItemChanges which shows which article item category the article item has.
Price decimal Price.
Id int The id of the status.
Code string(50) The code of the status.
Code string(100) The article item category code.
Name string(100) The article item category name.
Id int The article item category id.