
This function lets you retrieve information about stock movements. By "movement" we mean when an item physically moves from one warehouse location to another location.

Tags: GetMovementsByQuery, GetGoodsOwnerMovementsQuery, GetMovementsByQueryResponse, GetGoodsOwnerMovementsResult, GoodsOwnerMovement, GetGoodsOwnerMovementsErrorResult, ArticleInfo_GetGoodsOwnerMovements, InOrderInfo_GetGoodsOwnerMovements, LocationInfo_GetGoodsOwnerMovements, WarehouseInfo_GetGoodsOwnerMovements, ArticleItemPalletItemInfo

Request XML

POST /xxx/Service.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: ""

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetMovementsByQuery xmlns="">

Request specification

GoodsOwnerCode string(400) Req. The name/code of your client
UserName string(50) Req. Your username
Password string(50) Req. Your password
Query GetGoodsOwnerMovementsQuery Req. The query object
FromLocation string(50) Only return stock movements from this location.
ToLocation string(50) Only return stock movements to this location.
MoveTimeFrom dateTime Req. Only return stock movements which happened after this time.
MoveTimeTo dateTime Only return stock movements which happened before this time.
ArticleDefIdsToGet int[] Only return stock movements for these particular articles.
ArticleNumbersToGet string[] Only return stock movements for these particular articles.
FromWarehouseCode string Only return stock movements from this warehouse.
ToWarehouseCode string Only return stock movements to this warehouse.
FromWarehouseId int Only return stock movements from this warehouse.
ToWarehouseId int Only return stock movements to this warehouse.
OnlyMovementsBetweenDifferentWarehouses boolean Only return stock movements between warehouses.
OnlyMovementsBetweenDifferentArticleItemPalletItems boolean Only return stock movements where items where moved into, out from, or between pallet items.

Response XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetMovementsByQueryResponse xmlns="">
          <ErrorType>FromDateOccursAfterToDate or Unknown or LogonError</ErrorType>

Response specification

GetMovementsByQueryResult GetGoodsOwnerMovementsResult
Success boolean
Movements GoodsOwnerMovement[] List of movements.
Error GetGoodsOwnerMovementsErrorResult An element of type GetGoodsOwnerMovementsErrorResult.
Article ArticleInfo_GetGoodsOwnerMovements Contains information about the moved article (article number, article name, etc).
NumberOfItems decimal Number of items which were moved.
OriginalArticleItemId int Original article item id.
Serial string(128) Serial number of the moved item.
ExpiryDate dateTime Expiry date of the moved item.
Batch string(50) Batch number of the moved item.
InOrder InOrderInfo_GetGoodsOwnerMovements Information about the purchase which the item belongs to (if the item was received on a purchase order).
MoveTime dateTime The time when the move was performed.
FromLocation LocationInfo_GetGoodsOwnerMovements The location the items were moved From.
ToLocation LocationInfo_GetGoodsOwnerMovements The location the items were moved to.
FromWarehouse WarehouseInfo_GetGoodsOwnerMovements The warehouse which the items were moved from.
ToWarehouse WarehouseInfo_GetGoodsOwnerMovements The warehouse which the items were moved to.
FromArticleItemPalletItem ArticleItemPalletItemInfo Information about the pallet item that the item was (possibly) packed in before the move.
ToArticleItemPalletItem ArticleItemPalletItemInfo Information about the pallet item that the item is (possibly) packed in after the move.
ErrorType enum An element of type GetGoodsOwnerMovementsErrorType.
Message string
ArticleDefId int The id of the article.
ArticleNumber string(100) The article number.
ArticleName string(200) The article number.
InOrderId int The id of the inorder which the item belongs to (if the item was received on an inorder).
InOrderNumber string(50) The inorder number of the inorder which the item belongs to (if the item was received on an inorder).
LocationName string(50) The location name.
LocationTypeCode string(50) The location type code.
WarehouseId int
WarehouseCode string
Id int System id of the pallet item
TypeCode string(50) Code of the package type
LabelId string(30) Label number