
This function allows getting multiple inorders within a certain search critera. A common way to use this function is to filter for a certain status and use last updated in order to just get the latest inorders.

Note that if you try to fetch too many inorders at once, this function may time out. We strongly recommend paginating the responses to avoid timeouts.

Tags: GetInOrdersByQuery, InOrderFilters, InOrderSpecialFilters, AdvancedGetInOrdersHandling, GetInOrdersByQueryResponse, GetInOrdersResult, ReceivedInOrder, ReceivedInOrderInfoClass, ReceivedInOrderSupplier, GoodsOwner, ReceivedInOrderLine, ReceivedArticlItem, ReceivedInOrderCustomerInfo, InOrderWarehouseInfo, ReceivedInOrderSeller, PalletItem_InOrder, ReceivedInOrderTextLine, CreatedByUser_InOrder, InOrderClassInfo, AddressClass, ArticleClass, ReturnCause_ReceivedInOrderLine, ArticleItemClassInfo, PalletItem_ReceivedArticleItem, InboundPalletItem_ReceivedArticleItem, ReceivedByUser_ReceivedArticleItem, ReceivedByUser_WarehouseInfo, PalletType_PalletItem_InOrder, PalletItemStatus_PalletItem_InOrder, PalletItemClassInfo_PalletItem_InOrder, DangerousGoods, TaricNumbersInfo, GoodsCategoryInfo, ArticleClassInfo, ReplacementArticleInfo, PalletItemStatus_PalletItem_ReceivedArticleItem, ProperShippingName, TaricNumberInfoClass

Request XML

POST /xxx/Service.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: ""

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetInOrdersByQuery xmlns="">

Request specification

GoodsOwnerCode string(400) Req. The name/code of your client
UserName string(50) Req. Your username
Password string(50) Req. Your password
query InOrderFilters Req. The query object
InDateFrom dateTime Indate from
InDateTo dateTime Indate to
LastReceiveTimeFrom dateTime Most recent datetime of receiving an item, from
LastReceiveTimeTo dateTime Most recent datetime of receiving an item, to
InOrderStatusFrom int InOrder status from
InOrderStatusTo int InOrder status to
CreatedByWsiExternalSystemId int
CreatedBySessionRequestIdIsNull boolean
IsReturnType boolean Specifies filter for inorders representing a return
InOrderNumbersToGet string[] Containing elements of string, defining inorder numbers to get
InOrderSpecialFilters InOrderSpecialFilters Contains special filters
LastUpdatedFrom dateTime Last datetime an inorder was updated, from. Note that is value only checks the inorder header.
LastUpdatedTo dateTime Last datetime an inorder was updated, to
InOrderIdsToGet int[] Containing elements of int, defining inorder IDs to get
MaxInOrdersToGet int Max number of inorders to return in response
InOrderIdFrom int If specified, the API will only respond with inorders whose system Ids are greater than or equal to (>=) the specified id. In conjunction with MaxInOrdersToGet this allows you to request inorders in batches of e.g. 100, rather than having to request all inorders at once.
LastReceiveTimeOrLastUpdatedFrom dateTime Filter for inorders where either goods have been received after this time, or when the inorder itself has been updated after this time.
InOrderStatusChangedTimeFrom dateTime Filter for inorders whose status has changed after this time.
Advanced AdvancedGetInOrdersHandling Contains advanced query parameters that most integrations will never use.
ChangedFrom dateTime Last datetime an inorder was changed, from. Note that is value checks both the inorder header and the inorder lines.
ReferenceNumbersToGet string[] Containing elements of string, defining reference numbers to get
OnlyGetUnDeclaredInOrders boolean Filters whether the inorders should be marked as declared
OnlyWithInOrderLinesWithDiffingReceviedToReported boolean Filters whether the inorders should have a diff between reported and received amount
OnlyWithInOrderLinesWithDiffingReceivedToAcknowledged boolean Filters whether the inorders should have a diff between acknowledged and received amount
ArticleItemSerialNumbers string[] Filter for inorders that include article items (received or advised) with any of these serial numbers.
CreatedByUserName string Filter for inorders created by the specified user.
HasReceivedArticleItem boolean If true, only show in orders which have at least one received article item on them. If false, only show orders which don't have any received article items.
IncludeAdvisedArticleItemsInReceivedArticleItems boolean Specifies whether or not to include article items that have been advised but not yet received in the ReceivedArticleItems part of the response. A ReceivedArticlItem representing an article item that has not yet been received will have an empty Location field.
IncludeInboundPalletItems boolean Specifies whether or not to include inbound palletItems to the response. Default false.

Response XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetInOrdersByQueryResponse xmlns="">
              <GoodsOwnerIdentification>SystemId or GoodsOwnerCode</GoodsOwnerIdentification>
                  <ArticleKind>Stock or Production or Structure or NonStock</ArticleKind>
                  <ArticleKind>Stock or Production or Structure or NonStock</ArticleKind>
              <GoodsOwnerIdentification>SystemId or GoodsOwnerCode</GoodsOwnerIdentification>
                  <ArticleKind>Stock or Production or Structure or NonStock</ArticleKind>
                  <ArticleKind>Stock or Production or Structure or NonStock</ArticleKind>

Response specification

GetInOrdersByQueryResult GetInOrdersResult
InOrders ReceivedInOrder[] List of inorders matching the search filter
InOrderInfo ReceivedInOrderInfoClass InOrder head information
InOrderSupplier ReceivedInOrderSupplier Information about the supplier of the inorder
GoodsOwner GoodsOwner Information about the client
WsiSystem WsiSystem Only for internal purposes, don't use
ReceivedInOrderLines ReceivedInOrderLine[] Containing elements of ReceivedInOrderLine. InOrder lines with info about amount received
ReceivedArticleItems ReceivedArticlItem[] Containing elements of ReceivedArticlItem. Instances of the articles received. In order to receive this info in the response, ask Ongoing WMS to activate it
InOrderCustomer ReceivedInOrderCustomerInfo Contains information about the inorder customer
Warehouse InOrderWarehouseInfo Object of type InOrderWarehouseInfo. Contains information about which warehouse is supposed to handle the inorder. Usually only applicable if several warehouses are using the same instance of Ongoing WMS.
InOrderSeller ReceivedInOrderSeller Information about the seller of the inorder
InboundPalletItems PalletItem_InOrder[] Information about the palletItems connected to the inorder for inbound transportation.
InOrderTextLines ReceivedInOrderTextLine[] Containing elements of ReceivedInOrderTextLine.
InOrderId int Ongoing WMS internal id of the Inorder
GoodsOwnerOrderNumber string(50) Order number
SupplierOrderNumber string(50) Supplier order number
GoodsOwnerReference string(100) Goods owner reference
BatchNumber string(50) Inorder batch
ReferenceNumber string(50) Reference number
InDate dateTime Expected date of arrival to warehouse, assigned when inorder was created
OrderDate dateTime Date when order was placed
BatchDate dateTime Deprecated, don't use
ReceivedDate dateTime Earliest datetime of receiving an item for this inorder
LastReceivedTime dateTime Most recent datetime of receiving an item for this inorder
Comment string(1000) Remark/comment about the order
Container string(50) Container number
WayOfDelivery string(50) Way of delivery
WayOfDeliveryTypeCode string(50) Way of delivery type code
WayOfDeliveryTypeName string(100) Way of delivery type name
InOrderTypeName string(50) Inorder type name
InOrderTypeCode string(50) Inorder type code
InOrderIsReturnType boolean True if inorder represents a return
InOrderStatusNumber int Status number of the inorder
InOrderStatusText string(50) Status name of the current status number of the inorder
AdvisedNumberOfItems decimal Total number of advised items
ReceivedNumberOfItems decimal Total number of received items
InvoiceNumber string(100) Invoice number of this inorder
TermsOfDeliveryTypeCode string(50) Terms of delivery type code
TermsOfDeliveryTypeName string(100) Terms of delivery type name
FreeText1 string(300) Free text
FreeText2 string(50) Free text
FreeText3 string(50) Free text
FreeText4 string(50) Free text
FreeText5 string(50) Free text
InOrderFreeDecimal1 decimal Free decimal
InOrderFreeDecimal2 decimal Free decimal
ArrivalDate dateTime Arrival date
CustomsDeclaredDate dateTime Customs declared date
Created dateTime The time when the inorder was created
CreatedByUser CreatedByUser_InOrder Information about the user who created the inorder.
InOrderClasses InOrderClassInfo[] Contains a list of InOrderClassInfo objects, each object representing an inorder class which the order belongs to.
TermsOfDeliveryTypeLocation string(100) Terms of delivery type location
SupplierName string(200) Supplier name
SupplierNumber string(200) Supplier number
Address AddressClass An Address object with info about the supplier's address
GoodsOwnerIdentification enum Must always be fixed string "SystemId"
GoodsOwnerCode string(400) The name/code of the client
GoodsOwnerId int Ongoing WMS internal id of the client
FinancialCode string(50) Financial code of the client
GoodsLocationCode string(50) Goods location code
CountryCode string(2) The two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country.
GoodsOwnerAddressName string(200) Address name
Address string(200) Address line 1
Address2 string(200) Address line 2
Address3 string(200) Address line 3
PostCode string(50) Post code/zip
City string(200) City
Article ArticleClass Article of the inorder line.
ExternalOrderLineCode string(40) External inorder line code
ExternalOrderLineId string(30) External inorder line id
InDate dateTime Expected date of arrival to warehouse
Comment string(150) Inorder line commenet
AdvisedNumberOfItems decimal Number of advised items on this inorder line
ReceivedNumberOfItems decimal Number of received items on this inorder line
CreatedNumberOfItems decimal Number of created items, even if they have not been received yet. Only relevant if you use the InOrderLineArticleItems tag in ProcessInOrder
ShipmentNumberOfItems decimal Number of received items also connected to a shipment (case specific), on this inorder line
SupplierNumberOfItems decimal Supplier number of items
ReportedNumberOfItems decimal Reported number of items
RowPrice decimal Price of the inorder line
CurrencyCode string(20) Currency code of order line, in ISO 4217. E.g. SEK, NOK or EUR
CurrencyName string(50) Currency name of order line, user specified
InOrderLineId int Ongoing WMS internal id of the inorder line
InvoiceNumber string(100) Invoice number of the inorder line
ParentInOrderLineId int Parent inorder line id
InOrderLineTypeCode string(100) Inorder line type code
AcknowledgedNumberOfItems decimal Acknowledged number of items
RowBatchNo string(100) Batch no of this inorder line
InOrderLineTypeName string Inorder line type name
InOrderLineFreeText1 string Inorder line free text 1
InOrderLineFreeText2 string Inorder line free text 2
ReturnCause ReturnCause_ReceivedInOrderLine(100) Return cause
InOrderTextLines ReceivedInOrderTextLine[] Containing elements of ReceivedInOrderTextLine.
InOrderLineExpiryDate dateTime Expiry date of this inorder line
Article ArticleClass Article of the item.
ExternalOrderLineCode string(40) External inorder line code this item was received to
ExternalOrderLineId string(30) External inorder line id this item was received to
Batch string(50) Batch number
Serial string(128) Serial number
GoodsStatusName string(100) Article item status name
GoodsStatusCode string(50) Article item status code
isLocked boolean True if item is locked
InDate dateTime Datetime of when the item was received
ExpiryDate dateTime Expiry date of the item
InOrderLineId int Ongoing WMS internal id of the inorder this item was received to
NumberOfItems decimal Number ofitems that this article item represents
SupplierNumberOfItems decimal Supplier number of items (same as SupplierNumberOfItems on InOrderLine)
IsDeclared boolean True if item is customs declared
ItemWeight decimal Weight of item, in kg
Location string(50) Current location name in warehouse
Comment string(400) Comment
OriginalArticleItemId int Original article item id, Ongoing WMS internal id of the item
ArticleItemClass ArticleItemClassInfo The article's classes
ItemLength decimal Item length
ItemWidth decimal Item width
ItemHeight decimal Item height
Container string(50) Container number for this particular item
IsInReported boolean Whether or not the item has been in-reported
IsLockedForSale boolean True if item is locked for sale
ProductionDate dateTime Production date of the item
SecondNumberOfItems decimal Second number of items
ArticleItemPalletItem PalletItem_ReceivedArticleItem The pallet item that the articleItem is currently stored on.
InboundPalletItem InboundPalletItem_ReceivedArticleItem Advanced, normally null. To be included in the response Advanced.IncludeInboundPalletItems=true must be specified in the request filter. The palletItems that the articleItem was transported to the warehouse on.
ReceivedByUser ReceivedByUser_ReceivedArticleItem Information about the user who received the item.
Warehouse ReceivedByUser_WarehouseInfo An element of type ReceivedByUser_WarehouseInfo.
ArticleItemFreeText1 string(100) Free text
Name string Customer name
AddressName string Customer name for address
Address string First address line
Address2 string Second address line
Address3 string Third address line
City string City
PostCode string Post code
CountryCode string(2) The two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country.
CustomerNumber string Customer number
MobilePhone string Mobile phone
TelePhone string Telephone
AddressEmail string Email
Name string(300) Warehouse name
Code string(50) Warehouse code
Id int Ongoing WMS internal id of the warehouse
SellerName string(200) Seller name
SellerNumber string(200) Seller number
Address AddressClass An Address object with info about the seller's address
PalletItemId int
PalletType PalletType_PalletItem_InOrder An element of type PalletType_PalletItem_InOrder.
Length decimal
Width decimal
Height decimal
PalletItemSerial string
Comment string
NumberOfItems decimal
LabelId string
PalletItemStatus PalletItemStatus_PalletItem_InOrder An element of type PalletItemStatus_PalletItem_InOrder.
PalletItemClasses PalletItemClassInfo_PalletItem_InOrder[]
Created dateTime
InDate dateTime
OutDate dateTime
Weight decimal
TareWeight decimal
RowNumber string(50) Text line row number
Comment string(300) Comment/order line text
NumberOfItems decimal Number of items
UserName string(50) User name of the user who created this inorder
Code string(200) The code of the order class
Name string(200) The name of the order class
Name string(200) Name
Address string(200) Address line 1
Address2 string(200) Address line 2
Address3 string(200) Address line 3
PostCode string(50) Post code/zip
City string(200) City
TelePhone string(50) Telephone number (non cellular)
Remark string(800) Remark/comment
Email string(300) Email address
MobilePhone string(50) Mobile phone number (cellular)
IsEuCountry boolean True if country is within EU
CountryStateCode string(50) The two-letter ISO 3166-2 abbreviation of the state. Mainly used for United States and Canada. See ISO 3166-2:US for United States and ISO 3166-2:CA for Canada.
CountryCode string(2) The two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country.
DeliveryInstruction string(300) Delivery instruction
IsVisible boolean False if the address shouldn't show in the system, e.g. be re-used for manual order
NotifyBySMS boolean True if the customer should be notified by the transporter through SMS
NotifyByEmail boolean True if the customer should be notified by the transporter through email
NotifyByTelephone boolean True if the customer should be notified by the transporter through phone call
SystemId int System id of the article
Name string(200) Article name
ArticleNumber string Article number
ProductCode string(200) Product code
BarCode string Barcode/EAN
Description string(3000) Description
StatisticsNumber string Statistical number/harmonization code
ArticleGroupName string Article group name
ArticleGroupCode string Article group code
ArticleCategoryName string(200) Article category name
ArticleCategoryCode string(50) Article category code
CountryOfOriginCode string(2) The two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country.
IsStockArticle boolean False if the article is fictional (freight cost etc)
ArticleUnitCode string(50) Unit code
VatCode string(50) VAT code
VatPercent decimal VAT percent
Price decimal Stock valuation price
PurchasePrice decimal Purchase price
Weight decimal Weight in kg
Volume decimal Volume in m3
QuantityPerPallet int Number of units that fit on a pallet
QuantityPerPackage int Number of units that fit in a package/box
PurchaseCurrencyCode string Currency code for purchase price
PurchaseCurrencyName string Currency name for purchase price
TaricNumbers TaricNumbersInfo Taric numbers by country
BarCodePackage string Barcode for package
BarCodePallet string Barcode for pallet
SizeCode string(50) The code of the article's size (e.g "42" when dealing with shoes, or "XS" when dealing with clothes)
SizeName string The name of the article's size (e.g "Extra Small" when dealing with clothes)
ProcessArticleTime dateTime The last time ProcessArticle was called for this article. Note that it is possible to have articles which were created by other means than ProcessArticle, e.g. an article may have been created manually in the system.
FreeDecimal1 decimal Custom decimal field. By default not used for anything.
FreeDecimal2 decimal Custom decimal field. By default not used for anything.
DefaultPickingLocation string(50) The default picking location of the article. Note that it is entirely possible to store the article in other locations than the default picking location (e.g. a warehouse may have unbroken pallets of an article in their deep storage, and keep a single pallet in the default picking location).
CustomsExportConditions string A string describing which conditions apply when the article is exported.
ArticleKind enum An enum describing what kind of article this is:
  • Stock - normal article, which can be kept in stock
  • Production - an article which is produced by the warehouse
  • Structure - an article which is defined in terms of other articles
  • NonStock - an article which is not kept in stock, e.g. an article which represents "freight"
StockLimit int Minimum number of units allowed in stock
ColorCode string(50) The code of the article's color
ColorName string The name of the article's color
DefaultPickingLocationMaxNumberOfItems decimal The maximum number of items that can be stored in the default picking location.
LinkToPicture string(300) A link to a picture of the article.
FreeDecimal3 decimal Custom decimal field. By default not used for anything.
IsSerialNumberArticle boolean Whether or not the article is a serial number article.
DefaultLocationStockLimit decimal Minimum number of units allowed in the default picking location.
FreeBoolean1 boolean Custom boolean field. By default not used for anything.
FreeBoolean2 boolean Custom boolean field. By default not used for anything.
FreeBoolean3 boolean Custom boolean field. By default not used for anything.
SubQuantityPerItem decimal Subquantity per item
AdditionalStatisticsNumber string Additional statistics number
ArticleClasses ArticleClassInfo[] List of Article Classes applied to the article
ReturnCauseCode string(100) Return cause code
ReturnCauseName string(200) Return cause name
Code string(100) Code of article item class
Name string(200) Name of article item class
Id int Ongoing WMS internal id of the article item class
PalletItemId int
LabelId string
Created dateTime
InDate dateTime
OutDate dateTime
PalletItemStatus PalletItemStatus_PalletItem_ReceivedArticleItem An element of type PalletItemStatus_PalletItem_ReceivedArticleItem.
Weight decimal
TareWeight decimal
PalletItemId int
UserId int Ongoing internal id of the user who received this item
UserName string(50) User name of the user who received this item
WarehouseId int Id of the warehouse where this item is located.
WarehouseCode string(50) Code of the warehouse where this item is located.
PalletTypeCode string
PalletTypeName string
PalletItemStatusCode string
PalletItemStatusName string
Code string
Name string
Id int
UNNumber string(10) UNNumber of ADR specification
UNIsMarineHazard boolean True if ADR is classed as a marine hazard
UNIsDangerousGoods boolean True if ADR is classed as dangerous goods
UNPackageType enum Package type
 - I
 - II
 - III
 - Unknown
UNTunnelCodes UNTunnelCode[] Tunnel codes of ADR
UNClassNumber string(50) Class number of ADR
UNProperShippingName ProperShippingName Elements of UNProperShippingName
UNLabelNumbers string(50) Label numbers of ADR
DangerousGoodsCoefficient decimal ADR Coefficient
EmSCode string EmS
FlashPoint decimal Flash Point
TaricNumber TaricNumberInfoClass List of TARIC number objects
Name string Goods category name
Code string Goods category code
Name string
Code string
Id int
ArticleSystemId int
ArticleNumber string
ArticleName string
PalletItemStatusCode string
PalletItemStatusName string
Name string Proper shipping name
LanguageCode string Language code
CountryCode string Country code
TaricNumber string TARIC number