
This function is obsolete. Please use GetInventoryByQuery instead. That function allows you to apply a filter, so that you only receive that data for the articles you are interested in.

This function returns two things:

  • The total stock values for each article.
  • All article definitions (i.e. the basic article data such as weight)

Note that all articles are returned. If you have many articles, this may cause timeouts.

See also our article Stock balances and inventory for more information on how to interpret the stock balance numbers returned by this function.

Tags: GetInventory, GetInventoryResponse, InventoryResult, InventoryLine, ArticleClass, DangerousGoods, TaricNumbersInfo, GoodsCategoryInfo, ArticleClassInfo, ReplacementArticleInfo, ProperShippingName, TaricNumberInfoClass

Request XML

POST /xxx/Service.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: ""

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetInventory xmlns="">

Request specification

GoodsOwnerId int Req. The id of your client
UserName string(50) Req. Your username
Password string(50) Req. Your password

Response XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetInventoryResponse xmlns="">
                <UNPackageType>I or II or III or Unknown</UNPackageType>
                  <UNTunnelCode>A or B or C or D or E or B1000C or C5000D</UNTunnelCode>
                  <UNTunnelCode>A or B or C or D or E or B1000C or C5000D</UNTunnelCode>
                <UNPackageType>I or II or III or Unknown</UNPackageType>
                  <UNTunnelCode>A or B or C or D or E or B1000C or C5000D</UNTunnelCode>
                  <UNTunnelCode>A or B or C or D or E or B1000C or C5000D</UNTunnelCode>
              <ArticleKind>Stock or Production or Structure or NonStock</ArticleKind>
                <UNPackageType>I or II or III or Unknown</UNPackageType>
                  <UNTunnelCode>A or B or C or D or E or B1000C or C5000D</UNTunnelCode>
                  <UNTunnelCode>A or B or C or D or E or B1000C or C5000D</UNTunnelCode>
                <UNPackageType>I or II or III or Unknown</UNPackageType>
                  <UNTunnelCode>A or B or C or D or E or B1000C or C5000D</UNTunnelCode>
                  <UNTunnelCode>A or B or C or D or E or B1000C or C5000D</UNTunnelCode>
              <ArticleKind>Stock or Production or Structure or NonStock</ArticleKind>

Response specification

GetInventoryResult InventoryResult
InventoryLines InventoryLine[] ArrayOfInventoryLine
GoodsOwnerId int System id of the goods owner
Article ArticleClass Defines the article
NumberOfBookedItems int Number of items booked. Deprecated, use NumberOfBookedItemsDecimal
NumberOfItems int Number of items in stock. Deprecated, use NumberOfItemsDecimal
NumberOfLockedItems decimal Number of items in stock which are also locked.
LastInDate dateTime Last inbound date of the article.
ToReceiveNumberOfItems decimal Number of items in purchase orders but not yet received.
AllocatedNumberOfItems decimal Number of items allocated to orders.
LockedForSaleNumberOfItems decimal Number of items in stock which are locked for sale.
NumberOfItemsDecimal decimal Number of items in stock
NumberOfBookedItemsDecimal decimal Number of items booked
PickedToBeCollectedNumberOfItems decimal Number of items which have been picked and which are on orders whose statuses are strictly below "Collected" (< 500). This field is generally only used by ERP integrations when running the daily stock comparison.
ReceivedToBeFinishedNumberOfItems decimal Number of items which have been received and which are on inorders whose statuses are strictly below "Received" (< 500). This field is generally only used by ERP integrations when running the daily stock comparison.
TotalStockValuationPrice decimal Total stock valuation price of all items currently in stock.
SellableNumberOfItems decimal The remaining number of items which can be sold. Note that this can be negative.
PickedToBeReportedNumberOfItems decimal Number of items which have been picked but not reported. See Reported number of items.
ReturnedToBeReportedNumberOfItems decimal Number of items which have been returned but not reported. See Reported number of items.
ReceivedToBeReportedNumberOfItems decimal Number of items which have been received but not reported. See Reported number of items.
SystemId int System id of the article
Name string(200) Article name
ArticleNumber string Article number
ProductCode string(200) Product code
BarCode string Barcode/EAN
Description string(3000) Description
SupplierArticleNumber string(200) Article number from the supplier
StatisticsNumber string Statistical number/harmonization code
ArticleGroupName string Article group name
ArticleGroupCode string Article group code
MainSupplierName string(200) Supplier name
MainSupplierNumber string(200) Supplier number
ArticleCategoryName string(200) Article category name
ArticleCategoryCode string(50) Article category code
CountryOfOriginCode string(2) The two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country.
IsStockArticle boolean False if the article is fictional (freight cost etc)
ArticleUnitCode string(50) Unit code
VatCode string(50) VAT code
VatPercent decimal VAT percent
Length decimal Length in m
Width decimal Width in m
Height decimal Height in m
Price decimal Stock valuation price
CustomerPrice decimal Customer price
PurchasePrice decimal Purchase price
Weight decimal Weight in kg
NetWeight decimal Net weight in kg
Volume decimal Volume in m3
QuantityPerPallet int Number of units that fit on a pallet
QuantityPerPackage int Number of units that fit in a package/box
DangerousGoods DangerousGoods Elements of DangerousGoods, defines ADR properties
PurchaseCurrencyCode string Currency code for purchase price
PurchaseCurrencyName string Currency name for purchase price
ExternalNumberOfItems decimal Only used when an integration is made by Ongoing WMS itself. The number of items which the external system believes is available for this article
TaricNumbers TaricNumbersInfo Taric numbers by country
BarCodePackage string Barcode for package
BarCodePallet string Barcode for pallet
SizeCode string(50) The code of the article's size (e.g "42" when dealing with shoes, or "XS" when dealing with clothes)
SizeName string The name of the article's size (e.g "Extra Small" when dealing with clothes)
ProcessArticleTime dateTime The last time ProcessArticle was called for this article. Note that it is possible to have articles which were created by other means than ProcessArticle, e.g. an article may have been created manually in the system.
FreeDecimal1 decimal Custom decimal field. By default not used for anything.
FreeDecimal2 decimal Custom decimal field. By default not used for anything.
DefaultPickingLocation string(50) The default picking location of the article. Note that it is entirely possible to store the article in other locations than the default picking location (e.g. a warehouse may have unbroken pallets of an article in their deep storage, and keep a single pallet in the default picking location).
CustomsExportConditions string A string describing which conditions apply when the article is exported.
ArticleKind enum An enum describing what kind of article this is:
  • Stock - normal article, which can be kept in stock
  • Production - an article which is produced by the warehouse
  • Structure - an article which is defined in terms of other articles
  • NonStock - an article which is not kept in stock, e.g. an article which represents "freight"
StockLimit int Minimum number of units allowed in stock
ColorCode string(50) The code of the article's color
ColorName string The name of the article's color
DefaultPickingLocationMaxNumberOfItems decimal The maximum number of items that can be stored in the default picking location.
MaxStackNumberOfLevels decimal If the article is stackable, this represents the maximum number of levels in such a stack.
ArticleZoneName string(300) The warehouse zone which this article is intended to be stored in.
GoodsCategory GoodsCategoryInfo An element of type GoodsCategoryInfo.
LinkToPicture string(300) A link to a picture of the article.
ArticleReturnHandlingComment string(500) A comment on how an article should be handled when returned.
ArticleCustomsDescription string(200) Customs description. Also known as "Contents".
FreeDecimal3 decimal Custom decimal field. By default not used for anything.
IsSerialNumberArticle boolean Whether or not the article is a serial number article.
MinReOrderQuantity decimal Minimum number of units that should be reordered
ArticleStorageClassName string The storage class of the article, e.g A,B or C.
DefaultLocationStockLimit decimal Minimum number of units allowed in the default picking location.
FreeBoolean1 boolean Custom boolean field. By default not used for anything.
FreeBoolean2 boolean Custom boolean field. By default not used for anything.
FreeBoolean3 boolean Custom boolean field. By default not used for anything.
SubQuantityPerItem decimal Subquantity per item
AdditionalStatisticsNumber string Additional statistics number
FreeText1 string Custom text field 1. By default not used for anything.
FreeText2 string Custom text field 2. By default not used for anything.
FreeText3 string Custom text field 3. By default not used for anything.
FreeText4 string Custom text field 4. By default not used for anything.
FreeText5 string Custom text field 5. By default not used for anything.
ArticlePickingHandlingComment string(500) A comment on how an article should be handled when picked.
ArticleInboundHandlingComment string(500) A comment on how an article should be handled during goods reception.
FreeText6 string Custom text field 6. By default not used for anything.
FreeText7 string Custom text field 7. By default not used for anything.
FreeText8 string Custom text field 8. By default not used for anything.
ArticleClasses ArticleClassInfo[] List of Article Classes applied to the article
Created dateTime DateTime of when the article was created
ReplacementArticle ReplacementArticleInfo Replcement article if article is marked as obsolete
UNNumber string(10) UNNumber of ADR specification
UNIsMarineHazard boolean True if ADR is classed as a marine hazard
UNIsDangerousGoods boolean True if ADR is classed as dangerous goods
UNPackageType enum Package type
 - I
 - II
 - III
 - Unknown
UNTunnelCodes UNTunnelCode[] Tunnel codes of ADR
UNClassNumber string(50) Class number of ADR
UNProperShippingName ProperShippingName Elements of UNProperShippingName
UNLabelNumbers string(50) Label numbers of ADR
DangerousGoodsCoefficient decimal ADR Coefficient
EmSCode string EmS
FlashPoint decimal Flash Point
TaricNumber TaricNumberInfoClass List of TARIC number objects
Name string Goods category name
Code string Goods category code
Name string
Code string
Id int
ArticleSystemId int
ArticleNumber string
ArticleName string
Name string Proper shipping name
LanguageCode string Language code
CountryCode string Country code
TaricNumber string TARIC number