
This function retrieves inbound transactions.

Tags: GetInboundTransactionsByQuery, GetGoodsOwnerInboundTransactionsQuery, GetInboundTransactionsByQueryResponse, GetGoodsOwnerInboundTransactionsResult, GoodsOwnerInboundTransaction, GetGoodsOwnerInboundTransactionsErrorResult, ArticleInfo_GetGoodsOwnerInboundTransactions, InOrder_GetGoodsOwnerInboundTransactions, ArticleItemStatus_GetGoodsOwnerInboundTransactions

Request XML

POST /xxx/Service.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: ""

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetInboundTransactionsByQuery xmlns="">
        <InboundTransactionTypesToGet>All or ReceivedOnInOrder or ReceivedWithoutInOrder</InboundTransactionTypesToGet>

Request specification

GoodsOwnerCode string(400) Req. The name/code of your client
UserName string(50) Req. Your username
Password string(50) Req. Your password
Query GetGoodsOwnerInboundTransactionsQuery Req. The query object
InDateFrom dateTime Filter inbound transactions to transactions after this time.
InDateTo dateTime Filter inbound transactions to transactions before this time.
MaxOriginalArticleItemIdsToGet int Max number of articles inbound transactions should be retrieved.
OriginalArticleItemIdFrom int Filter transactions to OriginalArticleItemId from this.
InboundTransactionTypesToGet enum Filter inbound transactions if they are received on an inbound order or not. Leave empty to get all inbound transactions.

Response XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetInboundTransactionsByQueryResponse xmlns="">
          <ErrorType>Unknown or LogonError</ErrorType>

Response specification

GetInboundTransactionsByQueryResult GetGoodsOwnerInboundTransactionsResult
Success boolean If the operation was successful. If not, check GetInboundTransactionsErrorResult for more details on what went wrong.
InboundTransactions GoodsOwnerInboundTransaction[] List of inbound transactions, see InboundTransaction.
Error GetGoodsOwnerInboundTransactionsErrorResult Error details, see GetInboundTransactionsErrorResult.
Article ArticleInfo_GetGoodsOwnerInboundTransactions See ArticleInfo_GetInboundTransactions.
Batch string(50) Which batch the inbound transaction belongs to.
Serial string(128) Which serial number the inbound transaction has.
Container string(50) Which container the inbound transaction is targeting.
InDate dateTime The date and time of when the transaction arrives.
ExpiryDate dateTime The date of when the transaction items expire. OBS! Can be null.
NumberOfItems decimal The number of items in the transaction.
Comment string(400) A comment belonging to the inbound transaction.
OriginalArticleItemId int The original article item id of the inbound item.
InOrder InOrder_GetGoodsOwnerInboundTransactions See InOrder_GetInboundTransactions.
ArticleItemStatus ArticleItemStatus_GetGoodsOwnerInboundTransactions See ArticleItemStatus_GetInboundTransactions.
Weight decimal The weight of the items in the transaction.
ErrorType enum An element of type GetGoodsOwnerInboundTransactionsErrorType.
Message string
ArticleDefId int The id of the article.
ArticleNumber string(100) The article number.
InOrderId int The incoming order id.
InOrderNumber string(50) The name of the incoming order.
Code string(50) The item status code.
Name string(100) The item status name.