
This function allows getting multiple production orders within a certain search critera.

Tags: GetProductionOrdersByQuery, ProductionOrderFilters, ProductionOrderSpecialFilters, GetProductionOrdersByQueryResponse, GetProductionOrdersResult, ProductionOrderInfo, ProductionOrderHeaderInfo, ProductionOrderLineInfo, ProductionOrderHeaderFreeValues, ProductionOrderLineConsumedInfo, ProductionOrderLineProducedInfo, ProductionOrderLineConsumedInOrderInfo, ProductionOrderLineConsumedInOrderSupplierInfo

Request XML

POST /xxx/Service.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: ""

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetProductionOrdersByQuery xmlns="">

Request specification

GoodsOwnerCode string(400) Req. The name/code of your client
UserName string(50) Req. Your username
Password string(50) Req. Your password
query ProductionOrderFilters Req. The query object
LastProductionTimeFrom dateTime Last datetime an article was produced/consumed, from
LastProductionTimeTo dateTime Last datetime an article was produced/consumed, to
ProductionOrderIdToGet int[] A list of production orders Id's
ProductionOrderNumberToGet string[] A list of production orders numbers
ProductionOrderStatusFrom int Production order status from
ProductionOrderStatusTo int Production order status to
LastProducedTimeFrom dateTime Last datetime an article was produced, from
LastProducedTimeTo dateTime Last datetime an article was produced, to
ProductionOrderSpecialFilters ProductionOrderSpecialFilters Special filters
ProductionOrderFreeBoolean1 boolean Filter for production orders with the specificed value of free boolean 1
ProductionOrderFreeBoolean2 boolean Filter for production orders with the specificed value of free boolean 2
OnlyProductionOrdersWithLinesToReport boolean Only show production orders where there are order lines with ReportedNumberOfItems != Produced
OnlyNotFullyProducedProductionOrders boolean Only show production orders where there are order lines where Produced < NumberOfItems

Response XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetProductionOrdersByQueryResponse xmlns="">

Response specification

GetProductionOrdersByQueryResult GetProductionOrdersResult
ProductionOrders ProductionOrderInfo[]
ProductionOrderHeader ProductionOrderHeaderInfo Contains production order head info.
ProductionOrderLines ProductionOrderLineInfo[] The lines of the production order. Collection of ProductionOrderLineInfo.
GoodsOwnerId int Ongoing WMS internal id of the goods owner
Comment string Comment on production order
OrderNumber string Production order number.
ProductionDate dateTime Adviced production date for the order
OrderedNumberOfItems decimal The number of items advised to be produced.
ProducedNumberOfItems decimal The number of items to produced on order.
StartProductionTime dateTime First date of production.
EndProductionTime dateTime Last date of production.
ProductionOrderId int Ongoing WMS internal id of the production order
ProductionOrderStatus int Integer representing order status of the production order
ProductionOrderFreeValues ProductionOrderHeaderFreeValues Free values
ArticleName string Article name of production article.
ArticleNumber string Article number of production article.
OrderLineComment string Comment on production order line.
ProductionOrderLineId int Ongoing WMS internal id of the production order line.
OrderedNumberOfItems decimal The number of items advised to be produced on production order line.
ProducedNumberOfItems decimal The number of items produced on production order line.
ArticleUnitCode string Stock unit code of production article
ArticleUnitName string Stock unit name of production article
Consumed ProductionOrderLineConsumedInfo[] Contains elements of ProductionOrderLineConsumedInfo. Consumed goods used to produce the production article.
Produced ProductionOrderLineProducedInfo[] Contains elements of ProductionOrderLineProducedInfo. Produced goods.
MinDaysToExpiryDate int Minimun days to expiry date
ProductionOrderLineNumber string Order line number of the production order line.
ReportedNumberOfItems decimal Reported number of items
ProductionOrderFreeBoolean1 boolean Custom boolean field. By default not used for anything.
ProductionOrderFreeBoolean2 boolean Custom boolean field. By default not used for anything.
ProductionOrderFreeText1 string Custom free text field. By default not used for anything.
ArticleName string Article name of consumed item
ArticleNumber string Article number of consumed item
BatchNumber string Batch number of consumed item
NumberOfItems decimal Consumed number of items
ArticleUnitName string Stock unit name of consumed item
ArticleUnitCode string Stock unit code of consumed item
ExpiryDate dateTime Expiry date of the produced item
Serial string(128) Serial number of the produced item
ProducedArticleItemId int Ongoing WMS internal id of the produced item
Weight decimal Weight in kg
InOrderInfo ProductionOrderLineConsumedInOrderInfo Information about the inorder that the item was originally received on (may be null)
ArticleName string Article name of produced item
ArticleNumber string Article number of produced item
BatchNumber string Batch number of produced item
NumberOfItems decimal Produced number of items.
ArticleUnitName string Stock unit name of produced item
ArticleUnitCode string Stock unit code of produced item
ExpiryDate dateTime Expiry date of the produced item
Serial string(128) Serial number of the produced item
ArticleItemId int Ongoing WMS internal id of the produced item
Weight decimal Weight in kg
InDate dateTime The time when the item was produced
InOrderId int Ongoing WMS internal id of the Inorder
InOrderNumber string(50) Order number
InOrderSupplierInfo ProductionOrderLineConsumedInOrderSupplierInfo Information about the inorder's supplier
SupplierName string(200) Supplier name
SupplierNumber string(200) Supplier number