
This function retrieves all inbound shipments which fulfill certain search criteria. Inbound shipments are a way of organizing inbound deliveries and generally consist of received article items from one or more inorders.

Tags: GetInboundShipmentsByQuery, GetInboundShipmentsQuery, GetInboundShipmentsByQueryResponse, GetInboundShipmentsResult, InboundShipmentInfo, InboundShipmentHeaderInfo, InboundShipmentReceivedArticleItem, InboundShipmentInOrderLine, InboundShipmentInOrder, InboundShipmentCustomsStatusInfo, Supplier_GetInboundShipments, Seller_GetInboundShipments, InboundShipmentCustomsCertificateType, GoodsOwner_GetInboundShipments, InboundShipmentArticle, InboundShipmentInOrderHeaderInfo, InboundShipmentInOrderSupplier, InboundShipmentInOrderSupplierAddress, InboundShipmentInOrderSeller, InboundShipmentInOrderSellerAddress, Address_GetInboundShipments, InboundShipmentTaricNumber, InboundShipmentInOrderSupplierAddressCountryState, InboundShipmentInOrderSupplierAddressCountry, InboundShipmentInOrderSellerAddressCountryState, InboundShipmentInOrderSellerAddressCountry

Request XML

POST /xxx/Service.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: ""

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetInboundShipmentsByQuery xmlns="">
        <CustomsStatus>All or NoStatus or PendingForApproval or FetchedByCustomsSystem or Approved</CustomsStatus>

Request specification

GoodsOwnerCode string(400) Req. The name/code of your client
UserName string(50) Req. Your username
Password string(50) Req. Your password
GetInboundShipmentsQuery GetInboundShipmentsQuery Req. Specifies the query/search criteria
ShipmentIds int[] The shipment IDs to get
ShipmentOrderNumbers string[] The shipment order numbers to get
CustomsStatus enum Determines what customs status the shipment must have:
- All
- NoStatus
- PendingForApproval
- Approved
ShipmentStatusFrom int Shipment status from
ShipmentStatusTo int Shipment status to

Response XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <GetInboundShipmentsByQueryResponse xmlns="">
              <CustomsEUType>Unknown or NONEU or EU</CustomsEUType>
              <CustomsEUType>Unknown or NONEU or EU</CustomsEUType>

Response specification

GetInboundShipmentsByQueryResult GetInboundShipmentsResult
Success boolean
Message string
InboundShipments InboundShipmentInfo[]
ShipmentInfo InboundShipmentHeaderInfo An element of type InboundShipmentHeaderInfo.
ReceivedArticleItems InboundShipmentReceivedArticleItem[]
InOrderLines InboundShipmentInOrderLine[]
InOrders InboundShipmentInOrder[]
ShipmentId int
InDate dateTime
ShipmentOrderNumber string
CustomsReferenceNumber string
OtherCustomerNumber string
ShipmentComment string
FreightPriceCurrencyCode string
DomesticFreightPrice decimal
AdditionalPrice decimal
FreightPrice decimal
TermsOfDeliveryTypeCode string
TermsOfDeliveryTypeName string
CertificateEndDate dateTime
CustomsCertificateNumber string
CustomsEUType enum An element of type InboundShipmentCustomsEUType.
WayOfDeliveryTypeCode string
WayOfDeliveryTypeName string
CustomsStatus InboundShipmentCustomsStatusInfo An element of type InboundShipmentCustomsStatusInfo.
ShipmentStatusId int
TermsOfDeliveryTypeLocation string(100) Where the ownership/responsiblity changes for the goods. As an example the port where the sea voyage start if TermsOfDeliveryTypeCode is FOB.
ExportReference string
Supplier Supplier_GetInboundShipments An element of type Supplier_GetInboundShipments.
Seller Seller_GetInboundShipments An element of type Seller_GetInboundShipments.
Waybill string
CustomsCertificateType InboundShipmentCustomsCertificateType An element of type InboundShipmentCustomsCertificateType.
GoodsOwner GoodsOwner_GetInboundShipments An element of type GoodsOwner_GetInboundShipments.
Article InboundShipmentArticle An element of type InboundShipmentArticle.
Batch string
Serial string
GoodsStatusName string
GoodsStatusCode string
IsLocked boolean
InDate dateTime
ExpiryDate dateTime
NumberOfItems decimal
SupplierNumberOfItems decimal
IsDeclared boolean
ItemWeight decimal
Comment string
OriginalArticleItemId int
ItemLength decimal
ItemWidth decimal
ItemHeight decimal
Container string
InOrderLineId int
Article InboundShipmentArticle An element of type InboundShipmentArticle.
InOrderId int
InOrderLineId int
InOrderNumber string
ExternalOrderLineCode string
AdvisedNumberOfItems decimal
ShipmentNumberOfItems decimal
RowPrice decimal
CurrencyCode string
InOrderLineUnitPrice decimal
InOrderInfo InboundShipmentInOrderHeaderInfo An element of type InboundShipmentInOrderHeaderInfo.
Supplier InboundShipmentInOrderSupplier An element of type InboundShipmentInOrderSupplier.
SupplierAddress InboundShipmentInOrderSupplierAddress An element of type InboundShipmentInOrderSupplierAddress.
Seller InboundShipmentInOrderSeller An element of type InboundShipmentInOrderSeller.
SellerAddress InboundShipmentInOrderSellerAddress An element of type InboundShipmentInOrderSellerAddress.
Id int
Code string
SupplierName string(200) Supplier name
SupplierNumber string(200) Supplier number
SupplierId int Ongoing WMS internal id of the Supplier
Address Address_GetInboundShipments An Address object with info about the supplier's address
SupplierName string(200) Supplier name
SupplierNumber string(200) Supplier number
SupplierId int Ongoing WMS internal id of the Supplier
Address Address_GetInboundShipments An Address object with info about the supplier's address
Code string
Name string
GoodsOwnerCode string The name/code of the client
GoodsOwnerId int Ongoing WMS internal id of the client
ArticleNumber string
Name string
ProductCode string
SystemId int
VatCode string
VatPercent decimal
StatisticsNumber string
TaricNumbers InboundShipmentTaricNumber[]
CountryOfOriginCode string
ArticleCategoryCode string
ArticleCategoryName string
ArticleGroupCode string
ArticleGroupName string
ProcessArticleTime dateTime
ArticleDescription string
ArticleCustomsDescription string
SubQuantityPerItem decimal
InOrderId int
InOrderNumber string
SupplierId int
SupplierName string
Name string(200) Name
Address string(200) Address line 1
Address2 string(200) Address line 2
Address3 string(200) Address line 3
PostCode string(50) Post code/zip
City string(200) City
TelePhone string(50) Telephone number (non cellular)
Email string(300) Email address
MobilePhone string(50) Mobile phone number (cellular)
DeliveryInstruction string(300) Delivery instruction
CountryState InboundShipmentInOrderSupplierAddressCountryState An element of type InboundShipmentInOrderSupplierAddressCountryState.
Country InboundShipmentInOrderSupplierAddressCountry An element of type InboundShipmentInOrderSupplierAddressCountry.
SupplierId int
SupplierName string
Name string(200) Name
Address string(200) Address line 1
Address2 string(200) Address line 2
Address3 string(200) Address line 3
PostCode string(50) Post code/zip
City string(200) City
TelePhone string(50) Telephone number (non cellular)
Email string(300) Email address
MobilePhone string(50) Mobile phone number (cellular)
DeliveryInstruction string(300) Delivery instruction
CountryState InboundShipmentInOrderSellerAddressCountryState An element of type InboundShipmentInOrderSellerAddressCountryState.
Country InboundShipmentInOrderSellerAddressCountry An element of type InboundShipmentInOrderSellerAddressCountry.
Name string(200) Name
Address string(200) Address line 1
Address2 string(200) Address line 2
Address3 string(200) Address line 3
PostCode string(50) Post code/zip
City string(200) City
TelePhone string(50) Telephone number (non cellular)
Email string(300) Email address
MobilePhone string(50) Mobile phone number (cellular)
IsEuCountry boolean True if country is within EU
CountryStateCode string(50) The two-letter ISO 3166-2 abbreviation of the state. Mainly used for United States and Canada. See ISO 3166-2:US for United States and ISO 3166-2:CA for Canada.
CountryCode string(2) The two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country.
CountryCode string
TaricNumber string
CountryStateCode string(50) The two-letter ISO 3166-2 abbreviation of the state. Mainly used for United States and Canada. See ISO 3166-2:US for United States and ISO 3166-2:CA for Canada.
CountryCode string(2) The two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country.
IsEuCountry boolean True if country is within EU
CountryStateCode string(50) The two-letter ISO 3166-2 abbreviation of the state. Mainly used for United States and Canada. See ISO 3166-2:US for United States and ISO 3166-2:CA for Canada.
CountryCode string(2) The two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country.
IsEuCountry boolean True if country is within EU