This function returns detailed stock information for each article which matches the specified filter. It does not summarize the values.
Please see this article for more information about what can be accomplished with this function.
Request XML
POST /xxx/Service.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: ""
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<GetInventoryItems xmlns="">
Request specification
GetInventoryItems | |||
GoodsOwnerId | int | Req. | The id of your client |
UserName | string(50) | Req. | Your username |
Password | string(50) | Req. | Your password |
InventoryItemsQuery | InventoryItemsQuery | Req. |
InventoryItemsQuery | |||
GetZeroStockArticles | boolean | Obsolete, do not use. | |
FilterBySerial | string[] | A list of strings. Each string represents a serial number. | |
FilterByArticleNumber | string[] | A list of strings. Each string represents an article number. | |
ArticleItemStatusChangedFrom | dateTime | Only show article items whose article item status has changed since this date. | |
LastInventoryTimeFrom | dateTime | Only show article items who have been inventoried since this date. | |
PreviousArticleItemStatus | PreviousArticleItemStatus | Only show items whose article item status status was changed to PreviousArticleItemStatusCode before PreviousArticleItemStatusTime | |
MaxArticlesToGet | int | Max number of articles to return | |
ArticleSystemIdFrom | int | If specified, the API will only return those articles whose article system id is greater than ArticleSystemIdFrom. In combination with MaxArticlesToGet, this allows to request inventory items in batches of e.g 100 articles, rather than having to request everything at once. | |
ArticleItemLocationIsLockedForSaleChangedFrom | dateTime | If specified, the API will only return those articles which have at least one item which have been moved (after the specified time) between two locations whose "Locked for sale" value differs. | |
IsLocked | boolean | Filter article items based on if they are locked or not. |
PreviousArticleItemStatus | |||
PreviousArticleItemStatusCode | string(50) | ||
PreviousArticleItemStatusTime | dateTime |
Response XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<GetInventoryItemsResponse xmlns="">
<UNPackageType>I or II or III or Unknown</UNPackageType>
<UNTunnelCode>A or B or C or D or E or B1000C or C5000D</UNTunnelCode>
<UNTunnelCode>A or B or C or D or E or B1000C or C5000D</UNTunnelCode>
<UNPackageType>I or II or III or Unknown</UNPackageType>
<UNTunnelCode>A or B or C or D or E or B1000C or C5000D</UNTunnelCode>
<UNTunnelCode>A or B or C or D or E or B1000C or C5000D</UNTunnelCode>
<ArticleKind>Stock or Production or Structure or NonStock</ArticleKind>
<UNPackageType>I or II or III or Unknown</UNPackageType>
<UNTunnelCode>A or B or C or D or E or B1000C or C5000D</UNTunnelCode>
<UNTunnelCode>A or B or C or D or E or B1000C or C5000D</UNTunnelCode>
<UNPackageType>I or II or III or Unknown</UNPackageType>
<UNTunnelCode>A or B or C or D or E or B1000C or C5000D</UNTunnelCode>
<UNTunnelCode>A or B or C or D or E or B1000C or C5000D</UNTunnelCode>
<ArticleKind>Stock or Production or Structure or NonStock</ArticleKind>
Response specification
GetInventoryItemsResponse | ||
GetInventoryItemsResult | InventoryItemsResult |
InventoryItemsResult | ||
GoodsOwnerId | int | System id of the goods owner |
InventoryItemLines | InventoryItemLine[] | Containing elements of InventoryItems |
InventoryItemLine | ||
Article | ArticleClass | Basic article data. See here for a specification. |
InventoryItems | InventoryItem[] | Containing elements of InventoryItem |
ArticleClass | ||
SystemId | int | System id of the article |
Name | string(200) | Article name |
ArticleNumber | string | Article number |
ProductCode | string(200) | Product code |
BarCode | string | Barcode/EAN |
Description | string(3000) | Description |
SupplierArticleNumber | string(200) | Article number from the supplier |
StatisticsNumber | string | Statistical number/harmonization code |
ArticleGroupName | string | Article group name |
ArticleGroupCode | string | Article group code |
MainSupplierName | string(200) | Supplier name |
MainSupplierNumber | string(200) | Supplier number |
ArticleCategoryName | string(200) | Article category name |
ArticleCategoryCode | string(50) | Article category code |
CountryOfOriginCode | string(2) | The two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country. |
IsStockArticle | boolean | False if the article is fictional (freight cost etc) |
ArticleUnitCode | string(50) | Unit code |
VatCode | string(50) | VAT code |
VatPercent | decimal | VAT percent |
Length | decimal | Length in m |
Width | decimal | Width in m |
Height | decimal | Height in m |
Price | decimal | Stock valuation price |
CustomerPrice | decimal | Customer price |
PurchasePrice | decimal | Purchase price |
Weight | decimal | Weight in kg |
NetWeight | decimal | Net weight in kg |
Volume | decimal | Volume in m3 |
QuantityPerPallet | int | Number of units that fit on a pallet |
QuantityPerPackage | int | Number of units that fit in a package/box |
DangerousGoods | DangerousGoods | Elements of DangerousGoods, defines ADR properties |
PurchaseCurrencyCode | string | Currency code for purchase price |
PurchaseCurrencyName | string | Currency name for purchase price |
ExternalNumberOfItems | decimal | Only used when an integration is made by Ongoing WMS itself. The number of items which the external system believes is available for this article |
TaricNumbers | TaricNumbersInfo | Taric numbers by country |
BarCodePackage | string | Barcode for package |
BarCodePallet | string | Barcode for pallet |
SizeCode | string(50) | The code of the article's size (e.g "42" when dealing with shoes, or "XS" when dealing with clothes) |
SizeName | string | The name of the article's size (e.g "Extra Small" when dealing with clothes) |
ProcessArticleTime | dateTime | The last time ProcessArticle was called for this article. Note that it is possible to have articles which were created by other means than ProcessArticle, e.g. an article may have been created manually in the system. |
FreeDecimal1 | decimal | Custom decimal field. By default not used for anything. |
FreeDecimal2 | decimal | Custom decimal field. By default not used for anything. |
DefaultPickingLocation | string(50) | The default picking location of the article. Note that it is entirely possible to store the article in other locations than the default picking location (e.g. a warehouse may have unbroken pallets of an article in their deep storage, and keep a single pallet in the default picking location). |
CustomsExportConditions | string | A string describing which conditions apply when the article is exported. |
ArticleKind | enum | An enum describing what kind of article this is:
StockLimit | int | Minimum number of units allowed in stock |
ColorCode | string(50) | The code of the article's color |
ColorName | string | The name of the article's color |
DefaultPickingLocationMaxNumberOfItems | decimal | The maximum number of items that can be stored in the default picking location. |
MaxStackNumberOfLevels | decimal | If the article is stackable, this represents the maximum number of levels in such a stack. |
ArticleZoneName | string(300) | The warehouse zone which this article is intended to be stored in. |
GoodsCategory | GoodsCategoryInfo | An element of type GoodsCategoryInfo. |
LinkToPicture | string(300) | A link to a picture of the article. |
ArticleReturnHandlingComment | string(500) | A comment on how an article should be handled when returned. |
ArticleCustomsDescription | string(200) | Customs description. Also known as "Contents". |
FreeDecimal3 | decimal | Custom decimal field. By default not used for anything. |
IsSerialNumberArticle | boolean | Whether or not the article is a serial number article. |
MinReOrderQuantity | decimal | Minimum number of units that should be reordered |
ArticleStorageClassName | string | The storage class of the article, e.g A,B or C. |
DefaultLocationStockLimit | decimal | Minimum number of units allowed in the default picking location. |
FreeBoolean1 | boolean | Custom boolean field. By default not used for anything. |
FreeBoolean2 | boolean | Custom boolean field. By default not used for anything. |
FreeBoolean3 | boolean | Custom boolean field. By default not used for anything. |
SubQuantityPerItem | decimal | Subquantity per item |
AdditionalStatisticsNumber | string | Additional statistics number |
FreeText1 | string | Custom text field 1. By default not used for anything. |
FreeText2 | string | Custom text field 2. By default not used for anything. |
FreeText3 | string | Custom text field 3. By default not used for anything. |
FreeText4 | string | Custom text field 4. By default not used for anything. |
FreeText5 | string | Custom text field 5. By default not used for anything. |
ArticlePickingHandlingComment | string(500) | A comment on how an article should be handled when picked. |
ArticleInboundHandlingComment | string(500) | A comment on how an article should be handled during goods reception. |
FreeText6 | string | Custom text field 6. By default not used for anything. |
FreeText7 | string | Custom text field 7. By default not used for anything. |
FreeText8 | string | Custom text field 8. By default not used for anything. |
ArticleClasses | ArticleClassInfo[] | List of Article Classes applied to the article |
Created | dateTime | DateTime of when the article was created |
ReplacementArticle | ReplacementArticleInfo | Replcement article if article is marked as obsolete |
InventoryItem | ||
Batch | string(50) | The batch number of the item. |
ExpiryDate | dateTime | The expiry date of the item. |
NumberOfItems | decimal | The quantity contained in this item. |
ArticleItemStatusCode | string(50) | The status code for the item. |
ArticleItemStatusName | string(100) | The status name for the item. |
Serial | string(128) | The serial number of the item. |
ArticleItemComment | string(400) | The comment for the item. |
Location | string(50) | The name of the location where the item has been placed. |
InDate | dateTime | The time when the item was received. |
IsLocked | boolean | Whether or note the item is locked. |
Length | decimal | Length of the item, in meters. |
Width | decimal | Width of the item, in meters. |
Height | decimal | Height of the item, in meters. |
Weight | decimal | Weight of the item, in kilograms. |
Volume | decimal | Volume of the item, in cubic meters. |
InOrderNumber | string(50) | The InOrderNumber on which this item was inbounded. |
LastInventoryTime | dateTime | The time the item was last inventoried. |
WarehouseCode | string(50) | Code of the warehouse where this item is located. |
IsLockedForSale | boolean | Whether or not this item is locked for sale. |
Container | string(50) | Container |
CaseNo | string(100) | Case number |
LockCauses | InventoryItemLockCauses | Object of type InventoryItemLockCauses which shows the reasons which the item is locked (there may be multiple reasons). If the item is not locked, then this value will be null. |
ArticleItemCategory | ArticleItemCategory_InventoryItem | Object of type ArticleItemCategory_InventoryItem which shows which article item category the article item has. |
ArticleItemId | int | The internal system id of the article item |
ArticleItemPalletItemInfo | InventoryItemArticleItemPalletItemInfo | Information about the pallet item (if any) which the article item is currently on. |
DangerousGoods | ||
UNNumber | string(10) | UNNumber of ADR specification |
UNIsMarineHazard | boolean | True if ADR is classed as a marine hazard |
UNIsDangerousGoods | boolean | True if ADR is classed as dangerous goods |
UNPackageType | enum | Package type - I - II - III - Unknown |
UNTunnelCodes | UNTunnelCode[] | Tunnel codes of ADR |
UNClassNumber | string(50) | Class number of ADR |
UNProperShippingName | ProperShippingName | Elements of UNProperShippingName |
UNLabelNumbers | string(50) | Label numbers of ADR |
DangerousGoodsCoefficient | decimal | ADR Coefficient |
EmSCode | string | EmS |
FlashPoint | decimal | Flash Point |
TaricNumbersInfo | ||
TaricNumber | TaricNumberInfoClass | List of TARIC number objects |
GoodsCategoryInfo | ||
Name | string | Goods category name |
Code | string | Goods category code |
ArticleClassInfo | ||
Name | string | |
Code | string | |
Id | int |
ReplacementArticleInfo | ||
ArticleSystemId | int | |
ArticleNumber | string | |
ArticleName | string |
InventoryItemLockCauses | ||
ByAllocation | boolean | True if the item is locked because it is allocated on an outbound order, false otherwise. |
ByItemLock | boolean | True if the warehouse has specifically locked this particular item, false otherwise. |
ByInventory | boolean | True if the item is locked because the warehouse is currently inventorying it, false otherwise. |
ByLocation | boolean | True if the item is locked because it has been placed in a locked location, false otherwise. |
ByStatus | boolean | True if the item is locked because its article item status is locked, false otherwise. |
ByWarehouseTransferOrder | boolean | True if the item is locked because it has been placed on a warehouse transfer order, false otherwise. |
ArticleItemCategory_InventoryItem | ||
Code | string(100) | The article item category code. |
Name | string(100) | The article item category name. |
Id | int | The article item category id. |
InventoryItemArticleItemPalletItemInfo | ||
Id | int | System id of the pallet item |
LabelId | string(30) | The pallet item label id |
ProperShippingName | ||
Name | string | Proper shipping name |
LanguageCode | string | Language code |
TaricNumberInfoClass | ||
CountryCode | string | Country code |
TaricNumber | string | TARIC number |